For most of you this will be pretty obvious, but I use this tool all the time to help raid members maximise their DPS.
So first the tool is Recount( - Not a virus, its from a well known site called WOWACE), it can be a memory Hog, but because of its unbelievable utility it is allowed to be.
Its basically a damage meter, however if you click on peoples names, it tells you what damaging skills they use, how much damage they are doing(or ticking for) on average and a nice little Pie Graph comprised of all damaging skills.
This is what skills should be used for every class:
I will list every class and Spec that is considered Viable.
19+1/41+1/0(Combat Swords/Fists) - Melee/Sinister Strike/Rupture or Eviscerate(on bleed immune mobs)/Deadly Poison
17+3/0/41+3(Shadowstep - PS tell this person to respec) - Melee/Hemo/rupture or Eviscerate/Deadly Poison
15/41/5(Combat Daggers) - Melee/Backstab/Rupture or Eviscerate/Deadly Poison(NO ENVENOM!)
Mutilate - Melee/Mutilate/Rupture or Eviscerate/Deadly Poison(This is a MUST!)
Frost - Frostbolt, Ice Lance is a terrible skill on targets that are not frozen and should never be used!
Arcane - Arcane Blast/Arcane Missiles/Pyroblast(Very Little, only whem PoM is up)
Fire - Fireball/Scorch(Not excessive scorching, just enough to keep debuff up)
Holy - Depending on gear and progression level, Flash of light dominates Kara/ZA/SSC/TK, Holy Light Dominates BT/Hyjal/SwP when you start getting haste. Both are used frequently, and if you have no spell haste then you should not be spamming holy light.
Prot - Concecrate/Melee/Ret Aura/Holy shield/Exorcism(If its Demon/Undead)
Case 1: Seal of Vengeance/Judge of Vengeance
Case 2: Seal of Righteosness/Jude of Right
Retribution - Melee/Crusader Strike
Case 1: Seal of Blood/Judgement of Blood
Case 2: Seal of Command/Judgement of Command
Elemental: Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning
Enhancement:Melee/Stormstrike/Windfury Attack/Earth Shock/Flame Shock/Searing Totem
Resto: Chain Heal(AMAZING HEAL)/Earth Shield(Always keep on tank!)/Lesser Healing Wave(Fights with no AOE damage, which are very few like a good Prince)
Affliction: Curse of Agony(or elements)/Unstable Affliction/Corruption/Siphon Life/Immolate/Shadowbolt(Can't stress this one enough!)
Demo: Felguard attacks/(Curse of Agony/Elements)/Shadowbolt
Destro(0/21/40): Shadow Bolt or Incinerate/Curse of Doom/Elements
Note: If you keep immolate up the Incinerate is slightly higher DPS, however the group utility due to the lack of Improved Shadow Bolt to horrible.
Discipline: Don't belong in the raid unless you are doing Bloodboil in BT or maybe Leotheras in SSC. (See Holy)
Holy: Greater Heal(Mana Efficient, low HPS, max rank is guranteed to overheal)/Flash Heal(Mana inefficient, higher hps)/Renew(Should always be up on tank)/Prayer of Mending
Shadow: Vampiric Touch/SW: Pain/Mind Blast/SW: Death/Mind Flay/Vampiric Embrace(If threat is non-issue and is required)
Arms: Melee/Mortal Strike/Whirlwind/Slam - If a warrior is not using each of these skills, he needs better gear or needs to stop gimping himself.
Fury: Melee/Whirlwing/Bloodthirst
Offensives - Shield Slam/Revenge/Devastate/Heroic Strike
Defensives - Shield Block/Shield Bash/Last Stand/Shield Wall
BM: 3:2 or 1:1 Steady Shot - Auto Shot + Kill Command is extremely high dps!
MM: Steady shot/Auto shot/Arcane or Multi shot/Kill Command
SV: See MM
Balance: Moonfire/Starfire x 4
Feral(DPS): Mangle/Shred x 4/Rip
Feral(Tank): Mangle/Lacerate/Swipe/Maul
Resto: Lifebloom(Very Important)/Revuj/Swiftmend/Regrowth
Like I said this is for Raid leaders who are tired of noobs. This is not gonna help any experienced raider, hopefully this will help out raid leaders trying to figure out why someone is only doing X amount of DPS, or why this tank keeps losing aggro.
100% written by me, most of this is knowledge that I've learned on various sites.
Please post any concerns, I have only play 3 of these classes in high end raids, and I currently am a raid leader for a small group of casuals.
Alright hopefully this actually counts as a contribution i'm tired of leeching .