If you take a good look at this picture, you’ll notice that there are only six Adamantite Deposit nodes on the entire Isle of Quel’Danas. When you compare that to the 124 nodes listed for Nagrand, you might wonder why this has become my new favorite place to mine. Let me share a few thoughts.
You see, the isle is small, and therefore the nodes are all in close proximity. It takes very little time to get from one to the next. Also, the respawn rate for nodes on the isle is fast. Sometimes I only kill 2-3 naga and find that the node is already back up and ready to mine. Not to mention that these nodes can be mined at the same time as I do my dailies. Multi-tasking, FTW!
Now granted, my success at mining on the isle might also have something to do with playing on a low-population server. Yet I find myself securing more ore per hour on the isle than I ever did in Nagrand. For example, it typically takes me about 45 minutes to complete all the dailies on the isle if I am by myself and do not get ganked. And yes, I normally get ganked at least once or twice!
Last time I ran dailies I also walked away with:
* Adamantite Ore x 43
* Mote of Earth x 18
* Eternium Ore x 9
* Khorium Ore x 5
* Living Ruby x 1
Not to mention two stacks of Netherweave Cloth, a dozen Sunfury Signets, and over 100 gold from the quest rewards. I can only compare that to my relatively poor performance farming nodes in Nagrand, and I have to say that this has been much more productive for me. I typically run to all the nodes before doing any quests, keep an eye on them as I do quests, and run to all the nodes one more time when I finish my quests. Not sure that this will be helpful to any other miners out there, but it definitely works for me.