Hello everyone I'm here to tell you how to trick you'r friends with world of warcraft chat.
Credits go to varahan at mmorpguides.com
On mmorpguides.com this was under the exploits section but I really didnt understand how this was an exploit.
So heres what you do first either invite you're friend to party, you can also do this by just /tell ing you're friend.
Allright so you can say whatever you want but here we go first say somthing like hi to you're friend example:
To [Friend]: hi (BUT DON'T PRESS ENTER)
Now this is where it takes just a little bit of math first of all there are 94 spaces before you create a new line so 94-2 spaces of (hi) =92 press space bar 92 times and then type
To [Whatever you want]: whatever you want then press enter it should show up looking like you said somthing and then a different person said somthing but when they go to talk back to the person it will not work because it's actually you.
I'm looking back at this right now and thinking you may be very confused but i really don't know any other way to tell you this.