I know there have been guides on how to play WoW with an xbox controller, but this is my small guide on how to do that, and my experiences leveling a hunter from 1-70 via a game controller. (Also a bit of a diary on leveling using Joana's guide for the 2nd time). So lets get started!
Things you need:
1. Any game controller you can hook up to your PC.
2. Drivers if you need to install them for your controller
3. Xpadder (Optional, if your controller has significant remapping options.)
4. WoW ()
So after you have your controller set up, download xpadder from xpadder.com , and extract it. It doesn't have to be installed, so it is even more convenient. Set up your controller buttons, and set them up for your keybinds. I recommend setting the d-pad to wsad setup, and the analog sticks to mouse emulation.
Quick Faq:
1. Why would I want to play with a game controller? Aren't you gimped in PvP and PvE when you do this?
A: While you have a slower mouse speed, and lower mouse accuracy, while not able to do complex movements sometimes required in PvP and PvE, you don't have to play with your keyboard and mouse really far away. I actually play with them both nearby, so if I have to start moving around in complex manners, then I can.
2. What are the benefits of using a game controller?
A: A few, the novelty of it, it allows you to focus less on the game, and less chance of burning out. That and bragging rights to go "HA! I played WoW with a controller, what did YOU do with your crappy life?" and then they reply "I got laid, nerd" . wait >.>
3. Do you recommend it?
A: I do if you are leveling a new alt, or farming. Those are tasks that will let you make mistakes and learn how to play with your controller easily.
That's the tutorial now onto the Diary!
Day 1
Toon Created: Server: Sisters of Elune (horde). Race: Female Troll
Name: Kanzi
Today I leveled to 10. Set my goal for 12, but started late, so ended up only getting to 10. Followed Joana's guide after the first 6 levels (memorized that part, because I've leveled so many alts to 8 and stopped ) Joined a guild also =].
Day 2
Today I leveled to 18 rather quickly. I put in a full day leveling, only stopping for food, and to relax a little bit. I could have gotten too 19, but decided to go to a SMC inn, and watch and laugh at the erps. Joana's guide is doing well, and I'm enjoying the controller controls. I haven't used my keyboard for most of my fights yet so =]. Also please note that I only use my mouse/keyboard for accepting quests, or typing to someone.
Day 3
Today I only leveled 3 levels. I had to leave mid grind to help at the homeless shelter, and I couldn't just sit down and level for the rest of the day. I tamed the white lion from the barrens quest today, and moved to stonetallon mountains. Updating after today.