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    Örpheus's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    TUU's Guide to Druids--PVP

    DISCLAIMER: Half credit goes to me, and half credit goes to Blizzard. Most of the tips are fully original, although some may be quite common. Unlike my previous Mage's guide, this guide is only for PvP. I will give some small tips though. It's pretty much the same as mages, keep your armor up to date, conserve mana, bring potions,etc. etc.

    Druids are probably one of the hardest classes to use. If you can't use them well, you are going to suck.((THis is all opinion. I mde a druid, sucked, and only got a total of 576 HKs at level 60.))

    I.Vs Warriors: As with the mage, this may be quite easy. Start off with entangling roots, hit them with Fairie Fire to lower their armor, cast Moonfire, and after that, repeatedly entangle and cast Starfire or Wrath. When using bear form, it can be hard, as bear form doesn't have half of the good warrior skills. If cat form, be like a rogue and open with a good rip.

    II.Vs Warlocks:Except for the polymorph part, this follows the same strategy as mages. Without a good partner, you have a high chance of losing.

    III. Vs Shaman: For caster druids, this can be a good, easy fight. Start with entangling roots, Fairie Fire, moonfire. For feral druids, this can be difficult because of the totems. BEar form, immediatly use Bash to stun them, then repeatedly maul and swipe. For cat form, stealth first. Make sure they don't detect you, and follow usual rogue strategies.

    IV. Vs Rogue: Always, always always always, start with Entangling Roots. THis is to make sure they don't stealth. For casters, it it is the usual process: entangle+fairie fire+moonfire+ repeated wrath and starfire. For ferals, go into your specialized for (cat or bear/direbear) and claw, rake, maul, swipe, and rip at the rogue.

    V. Vs Priest: The only problem is the Fear spell. Casters, the usual process(I'm not very creative)entangle+fairie fire+moonfire+ repeated wrath and starfire. Bears will have a problem. Like a warrior versus a warlock, the fear will continue to harass you constantly. When you get close enough, use a bash to stun them, and then open up with lots of attacks. Cats, stealth, rip, claw, etc. Feared? No problem! Activate dash and try to stun the fleeing priest.

    VI. Paladin: Like the mage, follow the Warrior tips, and be aware that the battle will take longer. Not much to say here.

    VII. Mage: For caster druids, this will be your toughest battle. Mages are natural nukers. Your spells won't and probably never get enough damage to kill the Mage before he kills you. If you are a caster druid, get a friend to help you, or you will lose unless you flee(which is like losing). If you are feral, it will be just as difficult. Frost Nova will become your worst enemy. If you are soloing against a mage, know that you have an 80% chance of losing.

    VIII. Hunter: This can also be a challange. Tangle the pet and the hunter. Follow up with the usual combination of offensive spells with an occasional healing in between. BEWARE: you can run out of mana very quickly. Druids are probably one of the most mana inefficent classes in WoW.

    IX: Druid: Feral versus caster: go into your specialized form. With cat, stealth and then rip. With bear, first do enrage, make sure you aren't entangled, then do a bash. CAster versus Feral: entangle+fairie fire+moonfire+ repeated wrath and starfire. Caster versus Caster: Now this battle is a complete wild card. It all depends on everything: equipment, skill, talents, and if you have allies or not.

    Enjoy the Druid PvP guide!



    TUU's Guide to Druids--PVP
  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar Legendary Authenticator enabled
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    excellent posts, thanks for sharing with the MMOwned community +rep to all of them

  3. #3
    Kashfox's Avatar Member
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    Its a bit more efficient to actually hibernate the hunter's pet than to use entangling roots on it. I find that fighting Hunter's is one of the easiest class because you can pretty much take their pet out of the fight for atleast 45 seconds with Hibernate which will allow you to work away at the hunter. If he wingclips you or concussion shots, change forms quickly and those debuffs are wiped clean.

    And in case of most roots(like frost nova and entangling root), just switching forms will allow you to break out of it. This also negates Polymorph effects.

  4. #4
    Ariakan's Avatar Active Member
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    Mage fights arent as hard as you make them out to be :P

  5. #5
    Örpheus's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    Heh, I just suck against mages.

  6. #6
    xlAnonym0uslx's Avatar Contributor
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    Great post.

    Great post. +rep

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