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    19 Guide for every class part 2

    This will be mainly caster classes,whilst previous were Mail/Leather wearers

    Mage (Balanced Build):

    Head:Shadow Goggles/Green Tinted Goggles/Lucky Fishing Hat +150 Mana
    Neck:Thick Bronze Necklace
    Shoulder:Talbar Mantle
    Cloak:WSG Cape +10 Shadow Resistance/+70 Armor (Shadow resistance helps against WarLocks,priests and twinks with lifestealing/Shadowfang/Skeletal Club)
    Chest: Tree Bark Jacket +3 Stats/+100 HP/+100 Mana
    Waist: Keller's Girdle
    Wrist: Mindthrust Bracers +9 Stamina
    Hands:Magefist Gloves +20 Fire Damage
    Legs: Darkweave Breeches +35 Spell Damage +20 Stamina
    Feet: Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots +Minor Speed and 9 Stamina
    Ring 1: Seal of Wrynn (Alliance) / Seal of Sylvannas (Horde) or Lavishly Jeweled Ring if you dont want XP
    Ring 2: WSG Ring
    Trinket 1: PVP Trinket
    Trinket 2: Minor Recombobulator/Arena Grand Master (switch between CD's)

    Weapon: Emberstone Staff/Twisted Chanter's Staff/WSG Staff (+30 Spell Damage)
    Ranged: Gravestone Scepter

    Fire Damage Mage build:

    Head:Shadow Goggles/Green Tinted Goggles/Lucky Fishing Hat +8 Spell Damage/Healing
    Neck:Thick Bronze Necklace
    Shoulder:Talbar Mantle
    Cloak:WSG Cape +10 Shadow Resistance/+70 Armor (Shadow resistance helps against WarLocks,priests and twinks with lifestealing/Shadowfang/Skeletal Club)
    Chest: Robe of the Mocassin +3 Stats/+100 HP/+100 Mana (Alliance) Inferno Robe +6 Stats/+150 HP/+150 Mana (Horde)
    Waist: Keller's Girdle
    Wrist: Crystalline Cuffs (Horde) isnt that Horde much,but its hard to get there. / Mindthrust Bracers +9 Stamina
    Hands: Gold-Flecked Gloves +20 Fire Spell Damage
    Legs: Darkweave Breeches +35 Spell Damage +20 Stamina
    Feet: Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots +Minor Speed and 9 Stamina / Kimbra Boots +7 Stamina (Alliance,but I wont recommend it that much)
    Ring 1: Seal of Wrynn (Alliance) / Seal of Sylvannas (Horde) or Lavishly Jeweled Ring if you dont want XP
    Ring 2: WSG Ring
    Trinket 1: PVP Trinket
    Trinket 2: Minor Recombobulator/Arena Grand Master (switch between CD's)

    Weapon: Evocator's Blade/Hook Dagger of Fiery Wrath (+30 Spell Damage)
    Off-Hand: Pulsating Hydra Heart
    Ranged: Gravestone Scepter/Banshee Rod of the Sun

    Healing Build (for any class):

    Head:Shadow Goggles/Green Tinted Goggles/Lucky Fishing Hat +8 Spell Damage/Healing
    Neck:Thick Bronze Necklace
    Shoulder:Talbar Mantle
    Cloak:WSG Cape +10 Shadow Resistance/+70 Armor (Shadow resistance helps against WarLocks,priests and twinks with lifestealing/Shadowfang/Skeletal Club)
    Chest: Robe of the Mocassin +3 Stats/+100 HP/+100 Mana
    Waist: Keller's Girdle
    Wrist: Crystalline Cuffs (Horde) isnt that Horde much,but its hard to get there. / Mindthrust Bracers +24 Healing +8 Damage Spells
    Hands:Gold-Flecked Gloves +30 Healing +10 Spell Damage
    Legs: Darkweave Breeches +66 Healing +22 Spell Damage +20 Stamina
    Feet: Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots +Minor Speed and 9 Stamina / Kimbra Boots +7 Stamina (Alliance,but I wont recommend it that much)
    Ring 1: Seal of Wrynn (Alliance) / Seal of Sylvannas (Horde) or Lavishly Jeweled Ring if you dont want XP
    Ring 2: WSG Ring
    Trinket 1: PVP Trinket
    Trinket 2: Minor Recombobulator/Arena Grand Master (switch between CD's)

    Weapon: Staff of the Blessed Seer +55 Healing +18 Damage Spells
    Ranged: Banshee Rod of the Sun/Gravestone Scepter

    Warlock Build:

    Head:Shadow Goggles/Green Tinted Goggles/Lucky Fishing Hat +150 Mana
    Neck:Thick Bronze Necklace
    Shoulder:Talbar Mantle
    Cloak:WSG Cape +10 Shadow Resistance/+70 Armor (Shadow resistance helps against WarLocks,priests and twinks with lifestealing/Shadowfang/Skeletal Club)
    Chest: Tree Bark Jacket +3 Stats/+100 HP/+100 Mana
    Waist: Keller's Girdle
    Wrist: Mindthrust Bracers +9 Stamina
    Hands:Magefist Gloves +20 Fire Damage
    Legs: Darkweave Breeches +35 Spell Damage +20 Stamina
    Feet: Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots +Minor Speed and 9 Stamina
    Ring 1: Seal of Wrynn (Alliance) / Seal of Sylvannas (Horde) or Lavishly Jeweled Ring if you dont want XP
    Ring 2: WSG Ring
    Trinket 1: PVP Trinket
    Trinket 2: Minor Recombobulator/Arena Grand Master (switch between CD's)

    Weapon: Witching Stave (+30 Spell Damage)
    Ranged: Gravestone Scepter

    Druid Feral Build (same as Balanced Rogue except)

    Weapon: Smite's Mighty Hammer / Rhahk'Zor (+25 Agility)

    Priest Damage Build:

    Head:Shadow Goggles/Green Tinted Goggles/Lucky Fishing Hat +150 Mana
    Neck:Thick Bronze Necklace
    Shoulder:Talbar Mantle
    Cloak:WSG Cape +10 Shadow Resistance/+70 Armor (Shadow resistance helps against WarLocks,priests and twinks with lifestealing/Shadowfang/Skeletal Club)
    Chest: Tree Bark Jacket +3 Stats/+100 HP/+100 Mana
    Waist: Keller's Girdle
    Wrist: Mindthrust Bracers +9 Stamina
    Hands:Magefist Gloves +20 Fire Damage
    Legs: Darkweave Breeches +35 Spell Damage +20 Stamina
    Feet: Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots +Minor Speed and 9 Stamina
    Ring 1: Seal of Wrynn (Alliance) / Seal of Sylvannas (Horde) or Lavishly Jeweled Ring if you dont want XP
    Ring 2: WSG Ring
    Trinket 1: PVP Trinket
    Trinket 2: Minor Recombobulator/Arena Grand Master (switch between CD's)

    Weapon: Emberstone Staff/Twisted Chanter's Staff/WSG Staff (+30 Spell Damage)
    Ranged: Gravestone Scepter

    dunno if thats all,I wanna sleep and my head hurts :yuck:

    19 Guide for every class part 2

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