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    Maulorn's Avatar Active Member
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    [Guide-WIP] Herbalism And You, 200g-600g an Hour

    Herbalism And You:
    The Complete Hardcore Herbalism Guide by Maulorn

    7/16/08: Release
    7/17/08: Added Skettis Tree Farming (600g/Hour)

    Please note:
    This guide is intended
    for Level 70 Players that have the maximum level of the Herbalism tradeskill. If you are interested in leveling it maximum, there are plenty of guides on this site, or you can use the following link: (which happens to be what I used )

    Herbalism 1 to 300 Guide (by Highlander on EU-Terenas)

    1 - 50

    Collecting Silverleaf and Peacebloom

    · Mulgore. Just do circuits round the base of Thunderbluff picking Silverleaf and Peacebloom.
    · Do circuits around Dolanaar heading South East around the lake and back upto to Dolanaar, if your Alliance or complete circuits of Elwynn Forest.
    · For Undead, try starting at Solliden Farmstead in Tirisfal Glades, run north to the mills, loop round and back south past Stillwater Pond and onto Cold Hearth Manor and Nightmare Vale. Then back up to Solliden Farmstead again. (Thanks to Olmolmtyr for info)

    You can find Peacebloom and Silverleaf in abundance around your main starting area (not in it, around it). So the first 50 levels should be really easy.

    51 - 70

    Collecting Mageroyal and Earthroot

    · Go west from Crossroads then head north before the entrance to Stonetalon Mountains and follow around to where the harpies are, then head east back to the Gold road and then south to Crossroads again, picking Mage Royal, Earthroot, Peacebloom and Silverleaf as you go.
    · For Alliance start in the north of Westfall and follow the coast south to Deadmines and then head straight to Sentinel Hill and back up to the north again, picking Mageroyal.
    · You can also run circuits of Gol'Bolar Quarry in Dun Morogh, collecting Earthroot as you go. (Thanks to Flareon for that info)

    71 - 100

    Collecting Briarthorn

    · Same route as above (for Horde), but extend it east to Sludge Fen, picking Briarthorn now.
    You could actually extend your runs to encompass the whole of The Barrens, as this area is absolutely chock full of Briarthorn and other herbs. It's possibly the best area to get your herbalism trained up.

    · Southern part of Silverpine Forest, from Pyrewood Village to the Entrance to Hillsbrad Foothills and back again.
    · Same route as above (for Alliance) or do circuits of Twilight Grove in Duskwood.
    · Also for Alliance, just wander north to south in Darkshore for loads of Briarthorn.
    · The eastern side of Loch Modan is also a great place for Briarthorn.
    · You could also do circuits of Lakeshire in Redridge Mountains.

    101 - 115

    Collecting Bruiseweed

    · Start at the Ramparts in Ashenvale and head north-east to Splintertree Post (dont follow road, try to go as straight as you can, you'll find more herbs that way), then head west from Splintertree Post towards the first bridge. Head south from here past the Moonwell and then back west to the ramparts when you reach the edge of the map. Pick Bruiseweed as you go.
    · Stonetalon Mountains. Go to Camp Aparaje, head west to the Grimtotem Post, then south to Malaka'jin, then east to the Greatwood Vale. Nice run of Bruiseweed there.
    · The Field of Giants in Southern Barrens or between the two Razorfens.
    · You can also circle to the north of Mystral Lake for Bruiseweed or to the West of Astranaar in Ashenvale.
    · Windshear Crag in Stonetalon Mountains.
    · The eastern coast of Loch Modan.
    · Circuits of Stonewatch keep in Redridge Mountains.

    116 - 125

    Collecting Wild Steelbloom

    · Go to Stonetalon Peak and do circuits of the small area around the Alliance Town and the Talon Den collecting Wild Steelbloom.
    · For higher levels do full circuits of Arathi Highlands, sticking to the mountain sides (as this is where you'll find Wild Steelbloom)
    · Nek'mani Wellspring in Stranglethorn Vale.
    · The Zuuldaia Ruins, north of Grom'gol in Stranglethorn Vale.
    · Go from Black Channel Marsh in the Wetlands to the Angerfang Encampment, taking in Whelgar's Excavation Site as you go.
    · Go from The Field of Giants in southern Barrens to the two Razorfens and back up again.
    · Between The Great Lift and Highperch in Thousand Needles.

    *from now on your going to be doing circuits of the full map, so you'll have to learn your own paths.

    126 - 160

    Collecting Kingsblood

    · Full circuits of Ashenvale to collect Kingsblood.
    · Circuits of The Charred Vale in Stonetalon Mountains.
    · Full circuits of The Wetlands.
    · Full circuits of Hillsbrad Foothills.
    · The Misty Reed Stand in Swamp of Sorrows.

    161 - 185

    Collecting Fadeleaf

    · Full circuits of Swamp of Sorrows to collect Fadeleaf (sell these to Rogues for a good profit).

    186 - 205

    Collecting Khadgar's Whisker

    · Full circuits of The Hinterlands to collect Khadgar's Whisker.
    · The Witherbark Village and Ogre Compound in Arthai Highlands.
    · You can also stay in Swamp of Sorrows, as there is a decent amount of Khadgar's Whiskers there.

    206 - 230

    Collecting Firebloom

    · Full circuits of Searing Gorge to collect Firebloom.
    · Full circuits of Blasted Lands.
    · Tanaris also has a lot, but doing full circuits takes time. You can divide Tanaris into four and do circuits that way.

    231 - 250

    Collecting Sungrass

    · Full circuits of Felwood to collect Sungrass. This is actually more of a zig-zag pattern, rather than a circuit (also try to do the Cleansing Felwood quest and pick up Windblossom Berries, Nightdragons, Whipper Roots and the odd Songflower Serenade buff when needed).
    · Feralas is also a great place to get Sungrass. You can make two circuits here. One that starts in the very north west at The Ruins of Ravenwind and runs south to The High Wilderness and one around The Lower Wilds, Lariss Pavillion, Grimtotem Compound and Woodpaw Hills, all near Camp Mojache.
    · You can do circuits around The Forlorn Ridge in Azshara.
    · You can try the main path through The Hinterlands too. As you follow it one way, stay about 50 metres from the path and then do the same the other way.

    251 - 270

    Collecting Gromsblood

    · Full circuits of Felwood to collect Gromsblood. See above notes.
    · Do circuits of Mannoroc Coven in Desolace for Gromsblood too.
    · Full circuits of Blasted Lands.
    · Demon Fall Canyon in Ashenvale, not many people bother with this area, so although its small, it can be good for farming Gromsblood.

    271 - 285 or 290 (see below)

    Collecting Dreamfoil

    · Full circuits of Un'goro Crater to collect Dreamfoil.
    · Two good routes in Azshara are:
    · From The Forlorn Ridge, head south east to the Ravencrest Monument and back again.
    · From the north of the Ruins of Eldareth, head north east to the Jagged Reaches and back again.

    285 or 290 - 300

    From 285 you can get Plagueblooms from doing circuits of Eastern and Western Plaguelands and Felwood, but if your not competing against a load of other players, try to collect Icecaps from Winterspring, as they will sell for more money

    Herbalism 300 to 375 by Kharne on EU-Bronzebeard

    Just threw this together really quickly, if it's of use to anyone I'm glad, if it's not then just ignore it.

    300-330 (or 345 if you so choose) - Felwood

    I know you were all probably hoping for something alot more exotic and in the outlands, but Felwood really is the place to go if your looking at it purely from a lvling perspective. Due to the hit of TBC there's virtually nobody farming herbs here and you get the bonus of Whipper Roots etc. which while out dated, still aren't on the same timer as pots, so if your a raider they can save your ass.
    I generally start at the alliance flight path, going up round the Furbolg village before following the perimeter south. I've included a map for anyone unsure of a route to go.


    Pick absolutely everything that is even green to you. Plaguebloom, Dreamfoil and Mountain Silversage give about a level each bush until 330, and whilst the plague that is Sungrass, Arthas' Tears and Purple Lotus are green, they still give a level fairly consistently so it's definetly worth picking them. If memory serves somewhere around 340 Plaguebloom goes green, and you start to get levels less consistently, however you may choose to stay on, especially if you don't have an epic flying mount, for the densely packed herbs, and low demand by pickers, all the time remembering that Golden Sansam, Mountain Silversage and Dreamfoil still sell very well on most servers.

    330 (or 345) - 350+ - Zangarmarsh

    Zangarmarsh is simply packed with herbs, all of which are useful. My favourite are is the North-West corner, being packed with herbs and Bog Lords / Giants which can be herbalised (If that's even a word) once looted. I tend to zig-zag across it, before moving to the start to do the same, however on more populated servers you may have someone else doing the same, so extending your route to sweep up from the south-west and across the northern border can yield great rewards too. Expect lots of Felweed and Ragveil, with the odd Dreamfoil and Dreaming Glory.


    I've included a map despite this route being fairly self-explanitory as with the last one.
    Once you hit 350 the world is your oyster really. I chose to continue my Zangar route all the way up to level 375, but it is equally viable to move on to Shadowmoon or elsewhere. .



    Everything past this line is 100% Original and Handmade/written, including the background of the maps (which I successfully made using my mini-map and paint. ^^)

    Compendium 1: Introduction

    So, you have that empty spot for a profession and don't know what to pick? Need some extra money with little to minimal effort? Are you a healer or tank and don't have the means to farm?


    In this guide I will show you the easiest and most painless way to farm plants for cash in Outlands. This guide will also allow you to get the most out of your time, as a casual OR hardcore player.


    Compendium 2: Basics of Money Making

    There are a few steps that we must go through before we can calculate how much money you will be making per hour; The list is as follows:

    1. Time: The time spent farming the herbs/the motivation to do so. (IE, how long it takes you to get to an herb and pick it given the situation; mobs, players also going for it; etc. When I say time I am NOT talking about an actual number such as 45 minutes or so. In this instance we are measuring by gold per hour.)
    2. Mount Speed:The faster your mount, the more money you make.
    3. Luck: There is some luck involved in herbalism, basically this identifies whether or not you find a Fel Lotus, get more herbs per node, or just happen to be really lucky and get two Flame Caps in a row.
    4. Efficiency: This governs the property of your herbing route; How well do you know the route? What is the overall coverage of your route versus the zones good herbs?

    At the maximum level of all four of the Herbalism factors, I can make anywhere from 250g-300g Based on the average server price on WoWEcon for all of my herbs. (Selling them raw of course.) Some of you might want to choose to pair it with alchemy. I only chose to do this to support my raiding habits but depending on your server the price of the mats can be cheaper than the elixirs that you can create and resell, however I did not do this.


    Compendium 3: The Farming Section:

    At level 70, Herbalism is one of the easiest tradeskills to level, and probably the fastest to make money with. There are a few methods that I use that are all very successful depending on server prices. In order to keep this guide short and to the point I am going to pick the best and easiest one.

    Flying around picking herbs in Outland. This is by far my favorite way of making money. I have an epic flyer so it makes this method much easier.

    There are a few places you can go for maximum cash. Zangarmarsh, Shadowmoon Valley, and Netherstorm.

    Please Note: All outland herbs (confirm?) Have a chance to drop
    Fel Lotus, which can be sold for 40g each.

    Zangarmarsh: Contains a variety of Herbs including Flame Caps and Glowcaps. Glowcaps vary from server to server but sell 10g/20 Glowcaps

    Fel Lotus: 40g / 1 Fel Lotus
    Ragveil: 20g / Stack
    Dreamfoil: 25g / Stack
    Dreaming Glory: 30g / Stack
    Felweed: 10g / Stack
    Golden Sansam: 25g / Stack
    Flame Caps: 100g / Stack

    Shadowmoon Valley:
    Contains Nightmare Vine, Felweed, and Dreaming Glory

    Fel Lotus: 40g / 1 Fel Lotus
    Nightmare Vine: 45g / Stack
    Dreaming Glory: 30g / Stack
    Felweed: 10g / Stack

    Netherstorm: Contains Netherbloom, Felweed, and Dreaming Glory

    Fel Lotus: 40g / 1 Fel Lotus
    Netherbloom: 45g / Stack
    Dreaming Glory: 30g / Stack
    Felweed: 10g / Stack


    Compendium 4: Farming Skettis Trees for 600g/Hour as a DPS Class

    Tree Farming Classes: These classes are the easiest classes to farm the Trees with.

    Feral Druid
    Beast Mastery Hunter

    First, Let's identify what these "Trees" are:

    This is a "Talonsworn Forest-Rager". This is the mob you will be killing to herbalise.

    There are Five Trees that spawn in Skettis. Four have a static spawn and one spawns randomly at another spawn Dynamically.(Randomly)
    Here is a map that I made (it took me 3 hours to piece it together from my minimap without the silver player arrow, lol) that shows the spawn locations; Each color corresponds to each Tree's spawn and route that it paths until killed. Every tree has a static 15 minute respawn timer.

    I suggest the following route to take while farming. (Killing Skettis Surgers yields primal water if needed, I like to farm them while waiting on respawns.

    You will get the following from each kill/herb of a Tree:

    2-5 Motes of Life (100% Chance)
    2-5 Herbs (100% Chance; Please note that this can be ANY herb that is native to Outland)
    1-3 Black Lotus (Small Chance)
    1-2 Fel Lotus (Small Chance)

    Your best option for maximum cash is to sell all of the herbs raw. I myself turn the primals into Golden Spellthread (10 Primal Life, 1 Primal Nether, 1 Rune Thread) and sell those. I usually put 1-2 up on the AH at a time and 450g on Monday Night for 48 Hours, and usually by the time servers reset and people log on, they sell. This is the method I use to make 600g+ an Hour on Average, and if I'm lucky 750g (as a frost mage).

    I will update this guide more as I go, Check back often for updates! :wave:

    Features to come soon:
    1. How to farm skettis trees efficiently for 600g+ an hour as a DPS. DONE
    2. How to setup Gatherer (downloading, installing) and installing the wowhead herbalism database with nearly every node in the game.
    3. Real life ways to make farming easier on you. (for all you lazy folks)
    4. Finished full-depth explanation on how the farming works and everything I described in compendium 2.
    5. Complete, mapped circuits of each zone for you to follow.

    Thanks for reading, check back often for updates. :wave:

    Last edited by Maulorn; 06-17-2008 at 07:29 PM.

    [Guide-WIP] Herbalism And You, The Complete Guide
  2. #2
    heke01's Avatar Active Member
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    I think every serious herbalism owners know those things and u forgot
    -Fel lotus

    I made myself 400g farming skettis tree's in 1 hour.
    Mage DPS with epic flyer

  3. #3
    Maulorn's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by heke01 View Post
    I think every serious herbalism owners know those things and u forgot
    -Fel lotus

    I made myself 400g farming skettis tree's in 1 hour.
    Mage DPS with epic flyer
    Thanks, it is more of a field guide for casual players at the moment (WIP), however I will put more and more work into it to create it into a guide that anybody can use effectively.

    Updated, thanks for reminding me about the Fel Lotus. Completely escaped my thoughts when I was writing this.

  4. #4
    cpowroks's Avatar Contributor
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    nice guide, +rep

  5. #5
    samalamajama's Avatar Member
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    +rep indeed, thanks for the guide

  6. #6
    Maulorn's Avatar Active Member
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    Thanks to those who gave rep.

    This guide will be MUCH more extensive than it is now, read the updates list and check back soon. :wave:

  7. #7
    Maulorn's Avatar Active Member
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    Updated 7/17/08:

    Added Skettis Tree Farming, 600g/Hour

  8. #8
    Dokita's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Maulorn View Post
    Updated 7/17/08:

    Added Skettis Tree Farming, 600g/Hour

    Very good guide =]

    A lot of the prices though depend on the server's economy greatly.

    On my server, every other person seems to be a herbalist, so the price of herbs are a lot lower then yours.

    Nonetheless, good guide =]

  9. #9
    fatality3's Avatar Member
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    Very nice guide! Helps out the ones leveling. +rep

  10. #10
    Boohoo123's Avatar Member
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    Love this guide alot, but you forgot a few things for lower levels, your guide is more of a lvl 70 leveling herbalism guild, as you can get a few of the herbs you listed in higher lower level areas. Personaly I got my level 29 druid to around 205 before i was even lvl 25, some of the stuff I used to level was Kingsblood from wailing caverns (lots pretty much unguarded outside the instance area, just stealth in), some life root inside the instance WC, which is easy skill. Purple Loctus near the Z. Strand in ashenvale for 210 skill(maybe not great for power leveling herb. but is nice for leveling while you level). Sorry if it's sorta randomly spread out and what not, nice guide though +rep for sure
    Edit: Also for about Stranglekelp, easy to get as a druid fast skill at low levels, plus alchemists can use it for alot of easy skill points.
    Last edited by Boohoo123; 06-26-2008 at 12:36 PM.

  11. #11
    xsx's Avatar Contributor
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    someone needs to take a look at those picx from the topic cos some of them you cant see
    Last edited by xsx; 06-26-2008 at 02:37 PM.

  12. #12
    Tenni-T's Avatar Contributor
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    Great guide, + rep and thanks for the contribution

    Edit: Must spread -.- , remind me if I forget
    Tenni-T (Tenned) - Contrib!

    MMOwned - My favorite website of all times.

  13. #13
    Biscis's Avatar Active Member
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    Features to come soon:
    1. How to farm skettis trees efficiently for 600g+ an hour as a DPS. DONE
    2. How to setup Gatherer (downloading, installing) and installing the wowhead herbalism database with nearly every node in the game.
    3. Real life ways to make farming easier on you. (for all you lazy folks)
    4. Finished full-depth explanation on how the farming works and everything I described in compendium 2.
    5. Complete, mapped circuits of each zone for you to follow.


  14. #14
    Nivelo's Avatar Member
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    Nice, I'll be using that for leveling Inscription together.

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