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    Blackflame's Avatar Member
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    Basic New Daily guide for 2.4

    So, you want to do some dailies.

    Easy! Here is a basic guide to the dailies that are currently available.

    Arm the Wards! - Arm the Wards! - Quests - World of Warcraft (Obtained at Isle of Quel’Danas)

    This quest is really easy, all you have to do is kill the Wretched Devourers, scattered along the upper west to the south west of The Isle of Quel’Danas, the place were you should be already! The Wretched Devourers drain mana if you don’t kill them fast enough, casters beware.

    Erratic Behaviour - Erratic Behavior - Quests - World of Warcraft (Replaced by Further Conventions) (Obtained at Isle of Quel’Danas)

    There are Erratic Sentries located along the West of The Isle of Quel’Danas, these are yellow, and look a lot like the robo-guards from TK. They are really weak, and you can kill them very quickly, they silence as well, using a slow casting spell called Suppression. Keep your distance if you’re a caster. Loot them and use the quest item given to ‘Resurrect’ them.

    Phase 2:

    Distraction at the Dead Scar - Distraction at the Dead Scar - Quests - World of Warcraft (Obtained at the Isle of Quel’Danas)

    Fun bombing quest, bring a mate to get it done in the first fly-over. Countdown with him/her, aim for the Eredar Sorcerers, Move on to the Pit Lords then finish with the Wrath Enforcers. Eredar take 2 hits to kill, Pit Lords 3 to kill, and Wrath Enforcers 1 to kill.

    Battle for Sun’s Reach Armory - The Battle for the Sun's Reach Armory - Quests - World of Warcraft (Isle of Quel’Danas)

    Emissaries of Hate pop out of the green portal, and can be impaled even if you didn’t kill it. The Burning Legion Demons are the ones that enjoy hanging around that general area, all of them are weak, but you should go for the Irespeakers if you want a free kill.

    Back to Outland!

    Phase 2 “a”

    Intercepting The Mana Cells - Intercepting the Mana Cells - Quests - World of Warcraft (Obtained in Shattrath)

    Ugh, Bash’ir Landing is the most annoying place that they could put this place for casters, with mobs that are resistant and have anti-magic abilities. Anyway, on with the quest info. Kill the Ethereal for a Phasing Device, and phase into the hazy realm. It is one of those collection quests, don’t kill those Phase Wyrms unless you have to, look out for the purple glowing cubes.

    More quests obtained from Shattrath:

    Sunfury Attack Plans - Quests - World of Warcraft – Sunfury Attack Plans
    Just need to go to Netherstorm, kill some Blood Elves and get the plans. These drop from any Sunfury Blood Elf in Netherstorm. Go to the Mana Forge Closest to Area 52, and kill every blood elf until you get a drop. Nice and Simple.

    The Multiphase Survey - Quests - World of Warcraft – The Multiphase Survey
    Head to Oshu’gun in Nagrand (Big diamond) and equip the goggles, look for the moving balls of flame and “use” the goggles until done.

    Quests from Hellfire Peninsula:

    Blood for Blood - Quests - World of Warcraft – Blood For Blood.
    Kill the demons in the area for the blood, and use the object supplied to turn the black blood elves into the Wretched forms, just tag it so no-one can steal it. They’ll get weaker, 8k health tops.

    Blast the Gateway - Quests - World of Warcraft – Blast the Gateway.
    Find the big green fire elementals and kill them with your little fireball out, or, you can follow someone around while they kill them, an your ball will still grow, as long as you’re near it.

    Im not going to bother about the PvP daily, everyone knows that’s just a waste of time.

    The Halaa PvP daily is not worth the amount of time required for a standard daily money reward.

    I do hope to update this as my server progresses, feel free to ask questions or add to this list if you’re already past me.
    Last edited by Blackflame; 03-31-2008 at 12:41 AM. Reason: Fixing quest info: Battle for Sun's reach Armory

    Basic New Daily guide for 2.4
  2. #2
    essal's Avatar Member
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    well ty that help alot (^^)

  3. #3
    essal's Avatar Member
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    well ty that help alot (^^)

  4. #4
    Dignox's Avatar Contributor
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    Bah, you missed the gathering quest, not a fancy guide imo

  5. #5
    Vavixian's Avatar Member
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    nice guide, + rep if i could, but for the Demon quest, u dont need two wait till someone elses banner has despawned, just click it at anytime there is a emissary of hate on the ground, and it will work.

  6. #6
    Blackflame's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Vavixian View Post
    nice guide, + rep if i could, but for the Demon quest, u dont need two wait till someone elses banner has despawned, just click it at anytime there is a emissary of hate on the ground, and it will work.
    Alright, ill fix that now.

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