OK, this tutorial will show how to get your scammed account back! I have gotten my account back twice because of this.
Step 1: After the scam, and he has your account, keep checking your email until blizzard sends an email that wants you to comfirm the change of info on your account, this email will include his email and phone number hes changing it to.
Step 2: After you get the e-mail copy his phone number down and search it on google. It should show where the number comes from through phone book, it should be whitepages.com or something, so this will show his mommy or daddys name, now copy that info down.
Step 3: After you have the info, their phone number on google again and this time click "map" it should be somewhere in one of the search results, usually the first. This will show you a google map of his house.
Step 4: Change the style of the map to "Satelite" and now it will show his house on satelite image, now take a screenshot of that.
Step 5: Open some media tool, and crop out the screenshot so it only shows the satelite, not the google stuff. This will make it look more proffesional.
Step 5: Take the e-mail that blizzard sent you that he is trying to change it to, now make a fake email account, and send him a letter saying "Hi, I am the dude that you scammed, I have all your persoanal info. Then include the screenshot of his house on satelite image.
Step 6: Wait for the reply back, if he says OMG YOU SUCK ILL NEVER GIVE IT BACK.. phone him! If he still decides to be cocky just tell him that you are going to call his house at 3 in the morning everyday until he gives your account info back. If this doesnt work tell him that you live a few houres away and youre going to show up infront of his door, or you can simply phone and phone til his mommy or daddy pick up.
So, there you have it.. good luck!