Is there any website where I can see all /script /console etc. commands?
If there is I'd like to hear where is this.
I'm very sorry if this has been already asked before
Is there any website where I can see all /script /console etc. commands?
If there is I'd like to hear where is this.
I'm very sorry if this has been already asked before
Last edited by Loaril; 12-20-2007 at 02:56 PM.
Alright, after a few min of research I came up with this:
WoW Lua commands
*Edit* If this isn't what you were looking for, let me know and give me a little bit more information and I'll see what I can come up with.
There's also World of Warcraft API - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft for all the wow-specific functions addons (or /script) use to interact with the game.
Hmm.. These were very cool websites, but I'm looking for more commands WoWWiki doesn't tell enough. I mean there are commands like /script SetCVar ("cameraDistanceMax",50) that allows you to scroll your camera much more far away than it's normaly possible and thats what kind of script console etc. I'm looking for.. And not only for camera scripts....
I hope you understood what I mean.. This might sound little stupid but I'd like to really know if there are website(s) like this.