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    CrazyCactuaR's Avatar Contributor
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    Arms Warrior Lua Script

    Requires: Hack addon


    Single Target Macro
    /run Hack.Run("Warrior.Arms","0")
    AoE Group Macro
    /run Hack.Run("Warrior.Arms","1")

    Code Block
    local AoEMode = ...
    function check(sp,unit)
       unit = unit or "target";
       spell = string.format("%s",sp)
       if GetSpellCooldown(spell)==0 and IsUsableSpell(spell) then 
          if SpellHasRange(spell)==1 then
             if IsSpellInRange(spell,unit)~=1 then
                return false
          return false
       return true
    local PartyNum = GetNumPartyMembers()
    if check("Charge") then cast("Charge") return end
    if UnitAffectingCombat("player")~=1 then return end
    if PartyNum~=0 then
       if check("Commanding Shout") then cast("Commanding Shout") return end
       if check("Battle Shout") then cast("Battle Shout") return end
    if GetInventoryItemCooldown(13)==0 then UseInventoryItem(13) end
    if GetInventoryItemCooldown(14)==0 then UseInventoryItem(14) end
    if (UnitHealth("player")/UnitHealthMax("player")<=0.2) and check("Rallying Cry") then cast("Rallying Cry") return end
    local uca={UnitChannelInfo("target")}
    local uch={UnitCastingInfo("target")}
    if UnitName("target")=="Maloriak" and (uca[1]=="Arcane Storm" or uch[1]=="Arcane Storm") and check("Pummel") then cast ("Pummel") return end
    if UnitName("target")~="Maloriak" and (uca[8]==false or uch[9]==false) and check("Pummel") then cast("Pummel") return end
    if check("Retaliation") and UnitIsPlayer("target")==true and UnitName("targettarget")==UnitName("player") then cast("Retaliation") return end
    if check("Hamstring") and UnitIsPlayer("target")==true and UnitDebuff("target", "Hamstring")~="Hamstring" then cast("Hamstring") return end
    if check("Victory Rush") then cast("Victory Rush") return end
    if check("Overpower") then cast("Overpower") return end
    if check("Execute") then cast("Execute") return end
    if check("Enraged Regeneration") and (UnitHealth("player")/UnitHealthMax("player")<=0.5) then cast("Enraged Regeneration") return end
    if check("Inner Rage") then cast("Inner Rage") return end
    if check("Deadly Calm") then cast("Deadly Calm") return end
    if check("Berserker Rage") then cast("Berserker Rage") return end
    if check("Sweeping Strikes") then cast("Sweeping Strikes") return end
    if AoEMode=="0" then
    	local _,MSCD,_ =GetSpellCooldown("Mortal Strike")
    	if check("Mortal Strike") then cast("Mortal Strike") return end
    	if MSCD>=2 and check("Throwdown") then cast("Throwdown") return end
    	if MSCD>=2 and check("Colossus Smash") then cast("Colossus Smash") return end
    	if MSCD>=2 and check("Shattering Throw") then cast("Shattering Throw") return end
    	if MSCD>=2 and check("Heroic Throw") then cast("Heroic Throw") return end
       if check("Rend") and UnitDebuff("target", "Rend")~="Rend" then cast("Rend") return end
       i=1 d=90
    	if check("Sunder Armor") then 
    	 while(i<=40) do a={UnitDebuff("target",i)} 
    		if a[1]=="Sunder Armor" and a[8]=="player" then 
    		   if a[4]==3 then 
    	if i>40 or d<10 then 
    	 cast("Sunder Armor") 
    	local PartyNum=GetNumPartyMembers()
    	local _,MSCD,_ =GetSpellCooldown("Mortal Strike")
    	if PartyNum~=0 then
    			if (UnitPower("player")/UnitPowerMax("player")>0.3) and check("Heroic Strike") and MSCD>=2 then cast("Heroic Strike") return end
    			if MSCD>=2 and check("Heroic Strike") then cast("Heroic Strike") return end
    	local _,HSCD,_ =GetSpellCooldown("Heroic Strike")
    	if HSCD>=2 and check("Slam") then cast("Slam") return end
    	if check("Bladestorm") and IsSpellInRange("Heroic Strike")==1 then cast("Bladestorm") return end
    	local _,BSCD,_ =GetSpellCooldown("Bladestorm")
    	if BSCD>=2 and check("Cleave") and IsSpellInRange("Heroic Strike")==1 then cast("Cleave") return end
    	if BSCD>=2 and check("Thunder Clap") then cast("Thunder Clap") return end
    Last edited by CrazyCactuaR; 07-13-2011 at 05:34 AM.
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    Arms Warrior Lua Script
  2. #2
    Sikas's Avatar Active Member
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    Looks great, perhaps add stance dancing to it?

  3. #3
    jereminion's Avatar Active Member
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    works great in pvp but uses every single cooldown almost, seems to never use bladestorm but i only use the single target macro

    this is incredible i had to edit my post. im just demolishing people in alterac vally. doing unprecidented amounts of damage. not that im bad but it just perfectly annihilates people

    gave u rep
    Last edited by jereminion; 07-06-2011 at 01:12 PM.
    my artist web sizzle

  4. #4
    jereminion's Avatar Active Member
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    can you do this for fury

    ---------- Post added at 08:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:39 PM ----------

    sorry to go off topic but i found your site and the fury macro
    one problem though, in the single target dps for fury, it doesnt do battle shout. in the aoe, it does

    if you could figure out how to fix that would be great

    from your forum:
    /run c=CastSpellByName tl=UnitLevel("target") cc=CastSpellByID b=UnitBuff cd=GetSpellCooldown db=UnitDebuff p="player" t="target" u=IsUsableSpell r=IsSpellInRange pc=UnitAffectingCombat("player") th=UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target") ph=UnitHealth("player")/UnitHealthMax("player") up=UnitPower("player")/UnitPowerMax("player") ca=UnitCastingInfo("target") ch=UnitChannelInfo("target") rmt=RunMacroText uii=UseInventoryItem gic=GetInventoryItemCooldown tc=UnitAffectingCombat("target") ppa=UnitPlayerOrPetInParty("player") pic=UnitAffectingCombat("player") pp=UnitPower("player")/UnitPowerMax("player") tn=GetUnitName("target")
    /run bas="Battle Shout" vr="Victory Rush" ex="Execute" rb="Raging Blow" dw="Death Wish" bzr="Berserker Rage" pm="Pummel" int="Intercept" blds="Bloodsurge" slm="Slam" inr="Inner Rage" sa="Sunder Armor" en="Enraged Regeneration" rkl="Recklessness" rlc="Rallying Cry" hf="Heroic Fury" cls="Colossus Smash" bth="Bloodthirst" hs="Heroic Strike" how="Horn of Winter" cmd="Commanding Shout"
    /run _, btD, btE=GetSpellCooldown(23881) _, rbD, rbE=GetSpellCooldown(85288) _, hsD, _=GetSpellCooldown(78)
    /run _, wwD, wwE=GetSpellCooldown(1680) _, clD, clE=GetSpellCooldown(845)
    /run if gic(13)==0 and pc==1 then uii(13) end;
    /run if gic(14)==0 and pc==1 then uii(14) end;
    /run if btD==0 and u(bth) then cc(23881) end;
    #/run if wwD<=2.5 and r(rb, t)==1 then cc(1680) end;
    #/run if wwD>=2.0 and clD==0 then cc(845) end;
    /run if ph<=0.2 and u(rlc) and cd(rlc)==0 then c(rlc) end;
    /run uch={UnitChannelInfo("target")}
    /run uca={UnitCastingInfo("target")}
    -- BWD Interuption
    /run if UnitName("target")=="Maloriak" and (uca[1]=="Arcane Storm" or uch[1]=="Arcane Storm") and r("Pummel") then c("Pummel") return end
    -- ZulGurub Interuption
    /run if (UnitName("target")=="High Priest Venoxis" or UnitName("target")=="Venomancer Mauri" or UnitName("target")=="Venomancer T'Kulu")==true and (uca[1]=="Whispers of Hethiss" or uch[1]=="Whispers of Hethiss") and r("Pummel") then c("Pummel") return end
    -- General Interupt
    /run if (UnitName("target")~="Maloriak" and UnitName("target")~="High Priest Venoxis" and UnitName("target")~="Venomancer Mauri" and UnitName("target")~="Venomancer T'Kulu")==true and (uca[9]==false or uch[8]==false) and r("Pummel") then c("Pummel") return end
    -- Nefarian Debuff
    /run if (UnitName("target")=="Nefarian" or UnitName("target")=="Onyxia") and UnitDebuff("target", "Demoralizing Shout")~="Demoralizing Shout" and r("Demoralizing Shout") then c("Demoralizing Shout") return end
    /run uip==UnitInParty("player")
    /run if uip==1 and cd(bas)==0 and u(bas) then c(bas) end;
    /run if uip>=1 and cd(cmd)==0 and u(cmd) then c(cmd) end;
    /run if cd(int)==0 and u(int) then c(int) end;
    /run if cd(hf)==0 and cd(int)~=0 and r(rb, t)==0 then c(hf) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(rb)==0 and u(rb) then c(rb) end;
    /run if pc==1 and b(p, blds)==blds then c(slm) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(cls)==0 and u(cls) then c(cls) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(vr)==0 and u(vr) then c(vr) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(ex)==0 and u(ex) then c(ex) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(rkl)==0 and u(rkl) then c(rkl) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(en)==0 and u(en) and ph<=0.5 then c(en) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(dw)==0 and u(dw) then c(dw) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(inr)==0 and u(inr) and pc then c(inr) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(bzr)==0 and u(bzr) then c(bzr) end;
    /run uc=UnitClassification("target")
    /run i=1 d=90 if pc==1 and r(sa, t)==1 and cd(bth)>=2 and u(sa)==1 and (uc=="elite" or uc=="worldboss") and uc~="normal" then while(i<=40)do a={db(t,i)} if a[1]==sa and a[8]==p then d=a[7]-GetTime() if a[4]==3 then break end end i=i+1 end if i>40 or d<10 and (uc=="elite" or uc=="worldboss") and uc~="normal" then c(sa) end end
    /run if btD>=2 uip==1 and u(hs) then cc(78) end;
    /run if btD>=2 uip>=1 and pp>0.5 and u(hs) then cc(78) end;
    my artist web sizzle

  5. #5
    Yangpa's Avatar Private
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    my new to all this but the hack add on is out of date and i cant get the add on to work can someone plezz help me

  6. #6
    Sikas's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by jereminion View Post
    can you do this for fury

    ---------- Post added at 08:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:39 PM ----------

    sorry to go off topic but i found your site and the fury macro
    one problem though, in the single target dps for fury, it doesnt do battle shout. in the aoe, it does

    if you could figure out how to fix that would be great

    from your forum:
    /run c=CastSpellByName tl=UnitLevel("target") cc=CastSpellByID b=UnitBuff cd=GetSpellCooldown db=UnitDebuff p="player" t="target" u=IsUsableSpell r=IsSpellInRange pc=UnitAffectingCombat("player") th=UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target") ph=UnitHealth("player")/UnitHealthMax("player") up=UnitPower("player")/UnitPowerMax("player") ca=UnitCastingInfo("target") ch=UnitChannelInfo("target") rmt=RunMacroText uii=UseInventoryItem gic=GetInventoryItemCooldown tc=UnitAffectingCombat("target") ppa=UnitPlayerOrPetInParty("player") pic=UnitAffectingCombat("player") pp=UnitPower("player")/UnitPowerMax("player") tn=GetUnitName("target")
    /run bas="Battle Shout" vr="Victory Rush" ex="Execute" rb="Raging Blow" dw="Death Wish" bzr="Berserker Rage" pm="Pummel" int="Intercept" blds="Bloodsurge" slm="Slam" inr="Inner Rage" sa="Sunder Armor" en="Enraged Regeneration" rkl="Recklessness" rlc="Rallying Cry" hf="Heroic Fury" cls="Colossus Smash" bth="Bloodthirst" hs="Heroic Strike" how="Horn of Winter" cmd="Commanding Shout"
    /run _, btD, btE=GetSpellCooldown(23881) _, rbD, rbE=GetSpellCooldown(85288) _, hsD, _=GetSpellCooldown(78)
    /run _, wwD, wwE=GetSpellCooldown(1680) _, clD, clE=GetSpellCooldown(845)
    /run if gic(13)==0 and pc==1 then uii(13) end;
    /run if gic(14)==0 and pc==1 then uii(14) end;
    /run if btD==0 and u(bth) then cc(23881) end;
    #/run if wwD<=2.5 and r(rb, t)==1 then cc(1680) end;
    #/run if wwD>=2.0 and clD==0 then cc(845) end;
    /run if ph<=0.2 and u(rlc) and cd(rlc)==0 then c(rlc) end;
    /run uch={UnitChannelInfo("target")}
    /run uca={UnitCastingInfo("target")}
    -- BWD Interuption
    /run if UnitName("target")=="Maloriak" and (uca[1]=="Arcane Storm" or uch[1]=="Arcane Storm") and r("Pummel") then c("Pummel") return end
    -- ZulGurub Interuption
    /run if (UnitName("target")=="High Priest Venoxis" or UnitName("target")=="Venomancer Mauri" or UnitName("target")=="Venomancer T'Kulu")==true and (uca[1]=="Whispers of Hethiss" or uch[1]=="Whispers of Hethiss") and r("Pummel") then c("Pummel") return end
    -- General Interupt
    /run if (UnitName("target")~="Maloriak" and UnitName("target")~="High Priest Venoxis" and UnitName("target")~="Venomancer Mauri" and UnitName("target")~="Venomancer T'Kulu")==true and (uca[9]==false or uch[8]==false) and r("Pummel") then c("Pummel") return end
    -- Nefarian Debuff
    /run if (UnitName("target")=="Nefarian" or UnitName("target")=="Onyxia") and UnitDebuff("target", "Demoralizing Shout")~="Demoralizing Shout" and r("Demoralizing Shout") then c("Demoralizing Shout") return end
    /run uip==UnitInParty("player")
    /run if uip==1 and cd(bas)==0 and u(bas) then c(bas) end;
    /run if uip>=1 and cd(cmd)==0 and u(cmd) then c(cmd) end;
    /run if cd(int)==0 and u(int) then c(int) end;
    /run if cd(hf)==0 and cd(int)~=0 and r(rb, t)==0 then c(hf) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(rb)==0 and u(rb) then c(rb) end;
    /run if pc==1 and b(p, blds)==blds then c(slm) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(cls)==0 and u(cls) then c(cls) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(vr)==0 and u(vr) then c(vr) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(ex)==0 and u(ex) then c(ex) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(rkl)==0 and u(rkl) then c(rkl) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(en)==0 and u(en) and ph<=0.5 then c(en) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(dw)==0 and u(dw) then c(dw) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(inr)==0 and u(inr) and pc then c(inr) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(bzr)==0 and u(bzr) then c(bzr) end;
    /run uc=UnitClassification("target")
    /run i=1 d=90 if pc==1 and r(sa, t)==1 and cd(bth)>=2 and u(sa)==1 and (uc=="elite" or uc=="worldboss") and uc~="normal" then while(i<=40)do a={db(t,i)} if a[1]==sa and a[8]==p then d=a[7]-GetTime() if a[4]==3 then break end end i=i+1 end if i>40 or d<10 and (uc=="elite" or uc=="worldboss") and uc~="normal" then c(sa) end end
    /run if btD>=2 uip==1 and u(hs) then cc(78) end;
    /run if btD>=2 uip>=1 and pp>0.5 and u(hs) then cc(78) end;

    /run if uip>1 and cd(bas)==0 and u(bas) and not b(p,cmd) then c(bas) end;

    ---------- Post added at 11:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:34 PM ----------

    Originally Posted by Yangpa View Post
    my new to all this but the hack add on is out of date and i cant get the add on to work can someone plezz help me
    You have to go to your character pane where you see all your characters, go to Addons on the bottom left, and tick Out of Date, so it's checked ON.

  7. #7
    jereminion's Avatar Active Member
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    the addon is confusing on the official website. for some reason, the official download is out of date and you have to download the updated version. then in the updated folder, you drag the new file into the outdated folder. had to figure it out
    my artist web sizzle

  8. #8
    Yangpa's Avatar Private
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    Where do d/l the updated version I only get the 1.2.2 version and it's still out of date

  9. #9
    CrazyCactuaR's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by jereminion View Post
    can you do this for fury

    ---------- Post added at 08:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:39 PM ----------

    sorry to go off topic but i found your site and the fury macro
    one problem though, in the single target dps for fury, it doesnt do battle shout. in the aoe, it does

    if you could figure out how to fix that would be great

    from your forum:
    /run c=CastSpellByName tl=UnitLevel("target") cc=CastSpellByID b=UnitBuff cd=GetSpellCooldown db=UnitDebuff p="player" t="target" u=IsUsableSpell r=IsSpellInRange pc=UnitAffectingCombat("player") th=UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target") ph=UnitHealth("player")/UnitHealthMax("player") up=UnitPower("player")/UnitPowerMax("player") ca=UnitCastingInfo("target") ch=UnitChannelInfo("target") rmt=RunMacroText uii=UseInventoryItem gic=GetInventoryItemCooldown tc=UnitAffectingCombat("target") ppa=UnitPlayerOrPetInParty("player") pic=UnitAffectingCombat("player") pp=UnitPower("player")/UnitPowerMax("player") tn=GetUnitName("target")
    /run bas="Battle Shout" vr="Victory Rush" ex="Execute" rb="Raging Blow" dw="Death Wish" bzr="Berserker Rage" pm="Pummel" int="Intercept" blds="Bloodsurge" slm="Slam" inr="Inner Rage" sa="Sunder Armor" en="Enraged Regeneration" rkl="Recklessness" rlc="Rallying Cry" hf="Heroic Fury" cls="Colossus Smash" bth="Bloodthirst" hs="Heroic Strike" how="Horn of Winter" cmd="Commanding Shout"
    /run _, btD, btE=GetSpellCooldown(23881) _, rbD, rbE=GetSpellCooldown(85288) _, hsD, _=GetSpellCooldown(78)
    /run _, wwD, wwE=GetSpellCooldown(1680) _, clD, clE=GetSpellCooldown(845)
    /run if gic(13)==0 and pc==1 then uii(13) end;
    /run if gic(14)==0 and pc==1 then uii(14) end;
    /run if btD==0 and u(bth) then cc(23881) end;
    #/run if wwD<=2.5 and r(rb, t)==1 then cc(1680) end;
    #/run if wwD>=2.0 and clD==0 then cc(845) end;
    /run if ph<=0.2 and u(rlc) and cd(rlc)==0 then c(rlc) end;
    /run uch={UnitChannelInfo("target")}
    /run uca={UnitCastingInfo("target")}
    -- BWD Interuption
    /run if UnitName("target")=="Maloriak" and (uca[1]=="Arcane Storm" or uch[1]=="Arcane Storm") and r("Pummel") then c("Pummel") return end
    -- ZulGurub Interuption
    /run if (UnitName("target")=="High Priest Venoxis" or UnitName("target")=="Venomancer Mauri" or UnitName("target")=="Venomancer T'Kulu")==true and (uca[1]=="Whispers of Hethiss" or uch[1]=="Whispers of Hethiss") and r("Pummel") then c("Pummel") return end
    -- General Interupt
    /run if (UnitName("target")~="Maloriak" and UnitName("target")~="High Priest Venoxis" and UnitName("target")~="Venomancer Mauri" and UnitName("target")~="Venomancer T'Kulu")==true and (uca[9]==false or uch[8]==false) and r("Pummel") then c("Pummel") return end
    -- Nefarian Debuff
    /run if (UnitName("target")=="Nefarian" or UnitName("target")=="Onyxia") and UnitDebuff("target", "Demoralizing Shout")~="Demoralizing Shout" and r("Demoralizing Shout") then c("Demoralizing Shout") return end
    /run uip==UnitInParty("player")
    /run if uip==1 and cd(bas)==0 and u(bas) then c(bas) end;
    /run if uip>=1 and cd(cmd)==0 and u(cmd) then c(cmd) end;
    /run if cd(int)==0 and u(int) then c(int) end;
    /run if cd(hf)==0 and cd(int)~=0 and r(rb, t)==0 then c(hf) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(rb)==0 and u(rb) then c(rb) end;
    /run if pc==1 and b(p, blds)==blds then c(slm) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(cls)==0 and u(cls) then c(cls) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(vr)==0 and u(vr) then c(vr) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(ex)==0 and u(ex) then c(ex) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(rkl)==0 and u(rkl) then c(rkl) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(en)==0 and u(en) and ph<=0.5 then c(en) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(dw)==0 and u(dw) then c(dw) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(inr)==0 and u(inr) and pc then c(inr) end;
    /run if pc==1 and cd(bzr)==0 and u(bzr) then c(bzr) end;
    /run uc=UnitClassification("target")
    /run i=1 d=90 if pc==1 and r(sa, t)==1 and cd(bth)>=2 and u(sa)==1 and (uc=="elite" or uc=="worldboss") and uc~="normal" then while(i<=40)do a={db(t,i)} if a[1]==sa and a[8]==p then d=a[7]-GetTime() if a[4]==3 then break end end i=i+1 end if i>40 or d<10 and (uc=="elite" or uc=="worldboss") and uc~="normal" then c(sa) end end
    /run if btD>=2 uip==1 and u(hs) then cc(78) end;
    /run if btD>=2 uip>=1 and pp>0.5 and u(hs) then cc(78) end;
    Posting a new thread for fury.
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  10. #10
    jereminion's Avatar Active Member
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    on topic for arms script, am i correct that removing this line

    if MSCD>=2 and check("Heroic Throw") then cast("Heroic Throw") return end

    would remove the automation of heroic throw? i am using this for pvp so having the character running around wont ever proc this and might glitch it. also i want to save it for pally bubble


    if MSCD>=2 and check("Throwdown") then cast("Throwdown") return end

    would remove the throwdown stun? so i can manually do it

    ---------- Post added at 12:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:35 AM ----------

    sorry meant shattering throw instead of shattering
    my artist web sizzle

  11. #11
    Sikas's Avatar Active Member
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    It's best you PM/ask Crazy himself. I don't use the Hack addon. :P

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