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  1. #1
    Evilbuffy's Avatar Member
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    [Accoun] Stolen / Hacked

    [Accoun] Stolen / Hacked
    I really didn't know where to post my thread, and even though I am still a so called "leecher" please help me, I am doing my best to get to Contributor now days.

    My problem is that when I logged on today at 18:00 GMT my main was naked, of course hacked. The hacker had taken everything, gold, mats, disenchanted my gear for more mats and so on. Now, since I noticed this so late, the EU Account and Billing Support telephoneline was closed for today, so I can not reach those and get them to restore my gear and other stuff. I've made a in-game ticket to a Game Master in order for one of them to assist me, but still nothing yet. So, do you know if there is any way I can get my stuff back tonight, even though Account and Billing Support is closed for the day?

    Now, I've also heard that you can only get a restore of gear, items and so on, one time per account, and not more. I have no idea if this is a myth / lie, and want to ask if you guys know anything about this?

    I'd also like to know, if anyone has experience fetching the ip's that have recently connected towards your account, is this possible to do by a private person, or does Blizzard need to be contacted about this, and will they reviel the information regardings that ?
    Also, please use this thread if you are having issues like me, and need help with them!

    - Buffy

    [Accoun] Stolen / Hacked
  2. #2
    Parog's Avatar Kitsune Da-O! M.L.G. CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    The account / item restore limitation only works up to 4 times, UNLESS you were not at fault. You can get hacked a billion times and as long as they find an evidence, ( Password changed, someone else connecting to your account with a different IP ) then it doesn't count towards that. They do all the investigation themselves, no need to contact anyone. An in-game ticket will do the trick, it'll be escalated and usually takes from 2-7 days to get all your things back.

    If you haven't already done it, change your password
    What's a Parog?
    Looking for competitive Valorant team!

  3. #3
    EmiloZ's Avatar Flying Piggy Back
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    You should send a mail to blizz, explain that you got hacked and the hacker deleted your items and sent gold.
    Why fill up a signature?

  4. #4
    nothorde's Avatar Active Member
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    same thing happened to me and my mate 2 days ago. some new password crack out maybe?

  5. #5
    to6y's Avatar Member
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    This happened to me a while ago. I had a trojan on my pc (unknown to me at the time)

    I logged in and all my stuff was gone - I opened a ticket and the next day I had all my stuff back. So I was like w00t and went about my usual playing. Changed the password and thought it would be fine - I assumed I'd entered my info into a phisher or somethin by accident - I ran every virus check you could ever think of and nothing was found.

    The next day I logged in and BOOM all my stuff was gone again. Opened a ticket, changed my password and did another virus scan. Nothing. Few hours later I get an email saying I'm banned for an hour for disrupting chat. Great - at least that nub can't login to my acc for an hour - that'll buy me some time. About 30 mins later I get an email saying £100 has been spent from my paypal account on WoW gold. At this point i was like great I got a trojan... I don't fall for email scams so I quickly dismissed it as trash. Anyways I fired up my laptop and changed the password on that (sister had laptop the other day - so couldn't use it) No furhter logins from the hacker.

    Next day I logged in, all my stuff was returned in the mail and I was quite happy. I changed my pass on the laptop again, then reinstalled windows vista on my pc. Bye-bye trojan

    Tbh I wish I was able to find the trojan - I would have decompiled it and got the email address it was sending the logs to And you can probably imagine from here what I would have done with his email address... a LOT of things ;]

    So yeah tickets are good.

    ALSO: I bought a blizzard authenticator after the incident - well worth the money as it leaves your account COMPLETELY hack-proof. I highly reccommend getting one.

  6. #6
    Redkoala's Avatar Member
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    Do what to a free email he made to scam. Send him emails he wont read?

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