Yeah, the only way to secure it is by merging it/xfering it/banning original account.
You don't necessarily need to buy a new account, just xfer the char to any of your legit accounts. But if you don't have one, then you gotta buy.
Well about a year ago I scammed a level 57 on my server, and I had his info written down in a notepad. Today I go back and figured "Hey I'll try to recover it for shits and giggles since I got his email password." Turns out he has 3 80's now. =D! I was wondering if the only way I can secure the characters is if I use the merge and xfer them or is there a way I can just secure his account so I don't have to pay $75 for the 3 80's and like $30 to get wrath on my account.
Last edited by swankboss; 05-31-2009 at 01:54 AM.
Yeah, the only way to secure it is by merging it/xfering it/banning original account.
You don't necessarily need to buy a new account, just xfer the char to any of your legit accounts. But if you don't have one, then you gotta buy.
nice what are they?
Warrior, Hunter, Death Knight
Use your endless creativity. Do tcg scam on level ones after, spam the N word(my personal favorite), DL some hacks, etc.That's what I am saying. My legit account only has BC because I only play to twink, but hell, I'll take 3 80's XD.
Also you got any good ways to make sure his account gets perm banned?
nice I would like the warrior
Lol nobody asked if you'd like any of em, yahaauser. I can help with the banning as well if needed.
Iv got a 61 on frostmane, its just meh everytime I log on. I kill a few things and go neh thats nice.
Congratulations on your catch! Seems you managed to get your hands on a pretty nice accountIn my personal opinion I would probably do what others have said and create a account (a new one unless you want to merge it with your personal account, if you have one that is) and go from there.
I'm not really sure what the victim can do, I think he may be able to get his account back when it's been merged with a account. On the other hand i'm not 100% positive so don't take my word for it but I think he possibly can if the victim wished to bear the long waiting times of Blizzard's customer support services.
Anyway, merge the account and see what happens. Wait it out for a bit if your worried that you will play on the account and suddenly the victim will gain hold of it again meaning your hard work has gone down the drain. I see this as being the cheapest option to securing the account the best you can but if you want an extra layer of safety you have to be prepared to spend some money. For example, as someone said above me, getting a new account then transferring the characters them to the new ones and banning the original account.
However be careful because at the end of the day if a victim wants to gain access to their account whatever state it's in, they can acquire help from blizzard and if they see its been violated. They can either lock the account or rollback everything to it's original state, and when that happens our basically up shit creek without a paddle. The characters will be removed from your new accounts and you would have wasted money.
I hope this has helped you decide on what you will do with the account. Peace.
Last edited by Quarters; 05-31-2009 at 02:51 AM. Reason: Spelling Error.
You can get Wotlk for 30 bucks now?
I didn't even know that.
Yay savings.
Hey Rag, grats on the scam. Get on MSN sometime noob.