Paypal will proly cancel and limit the account and u wont get anything.
Paypal will proly cancel and limit the account and u wont get anything.
lol slightlyyy illegal. doubt im gunna try that anytime soon.
You might be in trouble... depending if PayPal will take initiative or not.
If they do, they will trace your order to the company, then they will find out that you were buying gold for WoW, then they will ask the company for your In-Game Name, Contact Blizzard Entertainment, Trace your Address, Thus finding you. You will be charged with Jail Time and a few thousand Dollars.
jess, that wont happen. Blizzard would not give out your information, period. No way to link your ingame name to ur address without blizzard helping, and they wont help them.
Doesn't matter if he uses a proxy...
The Proxy has to come from an internal source, like if I visit hidemyass Proxy, PayPal can still contact that company as my IP visited that website and I am black-listed.
Well iliwau it was stated in their TOU that they won't ever give out personal information... but if its for the Law then I guess Blizzard would have to give it up, regardless of their permits and stuff
Depends on the proxy you used. Some of them are more inclined to work with law enforcement, like tor.
Really, this all comes down to how much money you scammed/used.
Do you know how many people use these proxies and stuff. It is like saying that you are going to get charged for raping someone, who has had sex with a hundred guys. But of course its different. Plus, paypal doesn't care if its under 1,000 dollars. They are not going to use the resources to find someone who has only stolen 400 dollars. They'll pay 10 fold just on the lawyers, not to mention all of the work that they will have to put out in order to get all of the legal stuff straight and contacting blizzard, ect.
Nothing will happen, period.