give it to a gold chinnese farmer, use lots of hacks, be a racist, spam the chats, do everything that is not supose to be done in WoW. Make a ticket to GM assist and when he answer call him all sort of bad names, like son of a female dog try that
give it to a gold chinnese farmer, use lots of hacks, be a racist, spam the chats, do everything that is not supose to be done in WoW. Make a ticket to GM assist and when he answer call him all sort of bad names, like son of a female dog try that
Google some outdated wall hacks or something.. I think there was one on this forum ages ago. I used that to scam/ban accounts so they couldn't do shit once I had it.
Ticket a GM. Death / Racist threats go down real well.
Or just go to one of those "China Town" sites that farm with your toon and pay you with cashes/gold.
Anyone have any out dated hacks? Was trying to find one but couldn't :x
Try the search button, I haven't tried it but I am just pointing it out.
Or, My friend was quitting WoW so he got his account banned, He started being Racist and stuff in Chat, or act like a Gold Seller, Make a website, and you might be able to get accounts out of it.
I think I got a pally banned with Baron hack recently.
"As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourishes. But the wind passes over, and soon all disappears; and his place will no more exist."
Racial abuse in /2 is best. e.g. Hitler is a legend or something..
along with almost all the other ideas in this thread that is only a 72hr ban, atmost a final warning.