I tried transferring the money to another paypal. Doesn't work, all the other affiliated PayPal's will lose the money...
ok so ive got a plan I dont know if it will work though.
basically I have a verified paypal account that i used a vcc to verify.
my plan is im gonna register 2 unverified paypal accounts (maybe with a proxy too).
Then im gonna go on markeedragon tell someone to give me $500 for an account.
they send it to unverified account 1.
I login too unverified account 1 and send it to unverified account 2 (using different proxys etc)
I send money from account 2 to my verified paypal.
so then when the markee guy doesnt get his account he will do a chargeback and unverified account 1 will go into negative account balance and probably become limited (maybe the other unverified account will be limited too i dunno)
Will my verified account keep the $500 though? i wanna buy an xbox 360 lol.
and if I dont pull it off and the money does get taken off my verified account too what will happen to my account? will it become frozen/disabled? or will they just say sorry a chargeback happened blablabla
I tried transferring the money to another paypal. Doesn't work, all the other affiliated PayPal's will lose the money...
Don't think it will work. As Mirror said I think both accounts would lose money. And correct me if im wrong but dont the unverified PP accounts have money limits on them? or maybe they just limit the amount of money you can take off? can't remember its been a while since I was unverified on my personal account
Just request the money on paypal. Then they can't do any chargeback or anything. Still wise to use the unverified paypals though.