Thats the only way as far as I am aware. You have to account transfer them to an account with the same last name.
Thats the only way as far as I am aware. You have to account transfer them to an account with the same last name.
Rep those that deserve it!
I have a question really quick, why would you want to trasnfer if you have the information?
I mean, just change everything and say he hacked you?
Anyways you could do this. (Yes it's gonna cost you a little)
1. Make a new account, useing that as the last name
2. Activate the account and everything
3. Send those suckers over.
Have fun with your new characters bra. Btw, what are they?
Meh, i just dont like having to buy 2-3 timecards each 2 months, kind of hurts my wallet, anyways the toons i scammed was a 80 ret paladin with like 4/5 7.5, and an 80 dk with 1/5 tier 7.