Chances are they're just gonna get you a 72 hour suspension.
What happens then? o.O
as the title says, i need ana ccount PERM-BANNED first attempt!
if you can do it for me, i will happily pay you 25 dollars via paypal in 1 day, or buy you anything off the internet, YOUR CHOICE!
leave your contact info in here please, i can use aim/yahoo/msn only.
Chances are they're just gonna get you a 72 hour suspension.
What happens then? o.O
Link to my guide: | I'm retired, please don't PM me. Thanks.
msn - [email protected]
aim - ikinfectedik
contact me
ANYTHING off the internet? :O
I'll do it.
i can get it bannd easily and fast almost instantly if this guy even contacts anyone!
If it is EU contact me.
Do the impossible, see the invisible
Row row, Fight the power.
I heard of those perma banned thing but not sure it works here
contact me on drei008 <-- AIM
Add me on MSN ! [email protected] I know the perfect way to get banned.
31 is a lucky number to me, it would be great if you didnt rep me.
tried contacting few of you, either offline on aim, or didnt add me on msn...
still looking!
[email protected] is msn
darunemaster is my aim, try my msn before my aim.
i can guarantee a ban lol.
I can do it. trauts017 is my aim, hit me up.
paintguntank is aim add me i will be on
just pm me on here and i will please
They look up and shout save us...
and I'll whisper no...