Stupid. Do it yourself, high ban chance of those scams too.
Okay so i have some big plans and i need a partner and i have a few requirements
-Don't go around saying look at the money i scammed (obv)
-Must know English
-must have some scamming xp and a bit of rep
IF your interested post here i will pm you
-Plays WoW on US servers (Moon guards my goal)
-and lastly we never mention our personal chars to any one
Now my intentions are mainly going to be tcg scam but where i live theres no internet cafe or anything so i will do the scam you will put up AH items i will buy ur AH items then you have say 10000g you then buy my alts auctions (on my main account) and we both get 5000g there is other scams that i have planned to main reason for a partner is so we can launder alto better
Reason for moon guard lots of people have been transferring there and many buy gold there i know people from bro game and crap and bros accounts just got ban so theres currently no stock for that server so if we get it fast you can sell for a nifty profit just post and i will reply asap
Stupid. Do it yourself, high ban chance of those scams too.
were not doing it on main characters i alrdy have a list of scammed account from my phishing sites i use to have a partner and every things alot more safe with one from my experiences
Haha, what experience? You are doing scams with low profit and high ban, just sell the accounts, and BAM, cash.
yea the account i use for ingame gold scamming are once i get with out all the info or a wrong sqa or something
i shall join you.
add me on aim: darunemaster
or msn [email protected]
I'm on Moon Guard - what's going on?
Hit me up on AIM
Scammed Gold: 31821g
Okay i gum i will add you and echo its called scamming![]()