Making characters and sending the gold around. In-game mail. If you need a more extensive guide I suggest
Check this out Bandefaca
Making characters and sending the gold around. In-game mail. If you need a more extensive guide I suggest
Check this out Bandefaca
Last edited by Rezzi; 09-12-2008 at 04:53 PM. Reason: URL
I heard this term a lot but what is SQ?
could your account be banned from using a scammed game code? such as the scammed reporting it to blizz and they find out which account it was used for.
So, this chinese guy added me on MSN. I am 100% sure he's chinese, but one thing is wrong.
He offered to open & close a dispute, so he couldn't take his money back. Is that true? Can I use the money instantly when he have done such a thing?
Here is a question: What is the most reliable (blah, I mean that which scam is the BEST!!!) scam.. Like what is really easy and works fine and gives me nice booty
There is a possibility but it's not likely. Since factory errors are quite often they might just think something was messed up while making the code.could your account be banned from using a scammed game code? such as the scammed reporting it to blizz and they find out which account it was used for.
Partly true, he can still phone PayPal up and retrieve his money. However he can't file a dispute through PayPal.comSo, this chinese guy added me on MSN. I am 100% sure he's chinese, but one thing is wrong.
He offered to open & close a dispute, so he couldn't take his money back. Is that true? Can I use the money instantly when he have done such a thing?
Theres a lot to choose from here at Try all of the scams and see which one you feel is the best. Also there are Account, Money, Gamecard and other scams here. Be more specific. I do recommend checking out my "The Disconnect Scam" and "The Ban Scam" search for those. Just two that I thought up.Here is a question: What is the most reliable (blah, I mean that which scam is the BEST!!!) scam.. Like what is really easy and works fine and gives me nice booty
Personally I'm US, the site I use is Buy WOW Gold, Warcraft Gold, World of Warcraft Gold, FFXI Gil, Final Fantasy XI Gil, Lineage 2 Adenawould u know a site where u can buy EU gamecards on quick delivery?
I have a scammed account with SQA, CD-Key, Name, Acc name and pass, adress and everything.
The only thing i dont have is his mail. What's the best way to go about keeping it?
I'd recommend sending him an E-mail that his account was banned. Also you could try the same password as his e-mail adress and WoW Account. You could call Blizzard and get the e-mail switched because you have all the information.