Do you mean that you want to play on school, work etc? So you're looking for a hack so you can play or something?
Cause I am looking for that exact thing..
I know how to run a proxy with Firefox but i donst know how to use one with world of warcraft..
anyone can tell me how?
please, im a noob xD
edit: pls dont missunerstand me i NOT want to sec up my own prxy i only want to connect to one.
Last edited by Brolly; 08-27-2008 at 12:36 AM.
Do you mean that you want to play on school, work etc? So you're looking for a hack so you can play or something?
Cause I am looking for that exact thing..
Try Tor.
Home Site here
? Tor only works with web browsers no? - SELECTING THE BOT FOR YOU
PHWOOOOAAAAAR - Parog was here. <3 <----Wtf's a Parog?
Oops you are right. I failed.. Do not try Tor to play WoW..? Tor only works with web browsers no?
Try Proxomitron. Home site here
Here's how... you need your freedom and SocksCap.
More info here:
Your Freedom: World of Warcraft
you dont need a proxy to load with a scammed account. its been 3 yrs i scam and I never had a prob. Blizz will NEVER IP ban.