I actually cant seem to find this particular phisher on the website. If someone can help me find it would be great! Thanks!!
I actually cant seem to find this particular phisher on the website. If someone can help me find it would be great! Thanks!!
I want it as well, its a good scam, I don;t know how to code so I wouldn't know how to make it send to my e-mail
I would like to know as well.
probably it is written so, that when the fish writes his game card code it will send it to the scammer and than he recieves SmS notification or smth like that, that he has mail ...
-Rogues Do It From Behind-
Me and Krip wrote that program (He wrote it - I encrypted/decrypted the email stuff so it can't get hacked and fixed it up)
All up to him to release it... maybe after the emails start coming in