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  1. #1
    amnesia's Avatar Member
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    PayPal...moar trouble

    PayPal...moar trouble
    Alright so Im having trouble with PayPal.
    Basically I tried selling a WoW account to some guy. I knew something was fishy when he rushed into it and suggested to send money first. So he did, I used my real paypal -_- and got the money from him. At this point I gave him the account and password.
    Soon after, it appears that paypal limited my account and put the money on hold for some unauthorized transaction.
    I contacted the guy and after some chatting he admitted he scammed the paypal account and he will send me the money from a different paypal.
    So I changed ip and created a Canadian PayPal and the guy sent me money from another account ( I suppose scammed as well). Thing is, I actually got to buy with the money another account. The problem is that my account is now limited and the balance is -600$. Since I spent all the money on buying another account.
    The guy I bought the account from said his money is on hold as well and at this point I am really wondering what to do. I sent paypal an email asking whats going on still no reply. And the guy with my account offered to send me money again from ANOTHER paypal account
    So do you know a way I can actually get my money from this guy even if he probably is scamming paypal accounts?How to prevent paypal from putting the money I get from him on hold? -_-
    Last edited by amnesia; 08-18-2008 at 08:44 AM.

    PayPal...moar trouble
  2. #2
    GuitarGuy822's Avatar Active Member
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    recall your account back from that dirty scamming chink, threaten him until you get your money

  3. #3
    amnesia's Avatar Member
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    Yea , that's what I'm doing but I have reasons to believe this guy is either scamming paypal accounts/ creates new accounts funded by stolen credit cards.
    In both cases it sucks for me but I want to know if there is any way (even if he does one of those 2) for me to actually receive some money that don't get frozen after I use them. It seems to work fine for a while. Like he sent me money, I was allowed to use them to send to another guy then both transactions get screwed and my account is limited.
    So was wondering if there is any way for me to actually get money like - tell him to close the paypal account right after he send the money to me or not to spend money right away...I have absolutely no idea.
    If not I guess I will try to get my account back but that's problematic as well since I'm not the original owner (the buyer doesn't know that and its what I use to threaten him, I told him I'll ask Blizz to reste my pw) I might actually get the account banned . Q_Q
    Last edited by amnesia; 08-18-2008 at 09:24 AM.

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