uh'oh... you are in trouble
I am the original owner of this account i sold to accounts.net about 50 or so days ago. I recently recalled it and today i recieved this email
I recieved the funds on my dads acctual paypal, its got credit card on file and stuff. What is gona happen to me, i did not use an IP hider or anything, am i gona get the paypal money recalled? like i said its been over 45 days please help, thanks.Dear ****
During our recent security check, we have discovered that the account you sold to us (Username: *****) is no longer in our possession. We have unsuccessfully tried to reset the password with the information that we have and would request that you reply to this email within the next 24 hours with the correct login information.
We, the Corporate Security Department, have already started our investigation with regards to this matter and any fraudulent activity discovered will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Please be informed that PayPal is aware of the situation. Should this issue not be resolved amicably, we may proceed to inform PayPal that you are a potential scammer that may result in your PayPal account being deleted / flagged.
We have strong evidence in our case that includes chat logs, IP addresses, contact information, etc.
To reply, you may communicate with us via email. We will respond to you as soon as possible.
As stated in our Terms and Conditions (http://www.accounts.net/pages/terms):
Selling your account
By submitting the details of an account for sale, you represent that you have the right to sell the account, and thereby acknowledge your ownership of the account at the time of submission. By submitting account information details, you represent that all information is factual and without any intentional omission or alteration. Once funds have been transferred from accounts.net to the seller and payment is received for an account, the seller acknowledges the transfer of ownership of the account to accounts.net. Any refunds or returns will only occur with consent from accounts.net. If at any time it is discovered that you, the seller retrieve the ownership and control of an account from either accounts.net or any individual that currently holds ownership, accounts.net will cancel the payment sent and reserves the right to pursue legal action. The selling of duplicated, macroed, copied or any type of mass produced or fast produced products using illicit methods or third party software is strictly prohibited. Accounts.net will report any such incidents to the proper game developer. Furthermore, any moneys transferred will be cancelled and the product refunded.
Thank you for your time.
uh'oh... you are in trouble
I hav'nt been paying attention to any changes lately but I think after 45 days you should still be fine.
nope, just saying that you are in trouble
What he said ^^
YOu aren't in trouble, after 30 or 45 days ( i don't remember ) they can't recall money
You are fine![]()
And by the way dude, at paypal you can simply say it's about a virtual item and your done.
nah u they won't be able to do it :| It's your word against their ^_^ and u can say a hacker recalled ur account , because u was hacked 1 time of all infos before
No they can't really. As long it's just with selling WoW accounts your safe. If you've been scamming with things like CD-keys and stuff like that they can...
Your WoW account belongs to Blizzard, and it's against the EULA to trade / sell your accounts so...
Yeah everyone is mostly right, it's kinda like stealing money/drugs from a drug dealer...he can't really report you because, well he's a drug dealer...same goes for accounts.net. They are in the business of reselling accounts which while it isnt againt the law it's against Blizzard's ToU ...
or something like that :P
Im pretty sure thats just a hollow threat to get the reaction they got from you. Also theft isn't a felony as long as it is under 500 bucks. They are taking a big risk buying things en masse that aren't supposed to be sold so they will utilize scare tactics like this. My friend has sold and reclaimed the same account 3 times to different account buyer sites. He actually got it back once and they had been using his hunter to farm and he got a crapload of gold/items.
after 45 days so your fine and really if he did hire people to trakc your information and sue you in civil court it would cost him way more then he would get, dont worry so much =]
PM me anytime for requests on anything you need. I will be more then happy to code for a couple people a week too.
woot i just got that same email from them! lol
only difference is, I sold them an account 6 months ago BUT i havent retrieved it lol....so I'm guessing someone must of scammed the new owner or something...lawl