Just recall the account and win?
The blizzard webform looks like this webform
I sold my account around last year, can't remember exacty when. The character has been renamed and maybe migrated from the original server. (can't find the character on armory)
I know the cd-key and secret question/answer.
The thing is, I'd like to get it back with the current gear it has, not with the gear I had while back (season 2 was going on and full merciless, but now it is the honor set)
What should I do with the Last Login Date, Realm and Main Character's Name as I don't know what server it is on nowadays and I'd like to get it back with the current gear?
Any kind of help very much appreciated, got bored of my druid and I'd like to have my mage back.
Just recall the account and win?
if you have the first name and last, just call blizz....
Recall account buy calling blizz ?
Have you tried just recalling the account?
Link to my guide: https://www.mmowned.com/forums/wow-g...rd-policy.html | I'm retired, please don't PM me. Thanks.
But if I call blizz, they will ask when was it actually hacked (probably).
Do they ask the main characters name as in the web form etc?
Have never had to recall, so I don't know how it goes.
Tbh ...
Not wanting to burst your bubble or anything but you can´t get back an account souly on First and Last name.
If it went like this i could take a tonn of peoples accounts.
Blizz aren´t THAT stupid to let you breach there security by taking a load of random accounts. They would probably realise you have Sold/Traded this account and are trying to sneak your way back in.
Eventhough í aint to pro at this type of thing it´s common sense really.
Shoot me if i´m wrong Verye![]()
I'm acutally about to do more or less the same thing tomorrow when blizz phone support opens....the way I want it to play out is just gonna be a simple:
ME: "hi i havent played my acct in about 6 months or so and i'm trying to get in, but i cant remember the email its registered too, heres the name and sqa and email i want it changed to"
Blizz: "ok sure thing, anything else i can help you with?"
Which of course with my luck it want play out that way, but we'll see tomorrow :P
i honestly cant stand posts like this. First of all dont sell your account, and if you do just deal with the fact that you sold it. Imagine if you were the guy that bought ur account a year ago. And you have been playing a character for a year spending all this time on him and then the guy takes him back. I hope idiots like you that are in this situation never get your account back.
and btw. if he xfered the character to a different account say bye bye to your toon. And no i am not defending the buyer because i have bought a account because i havent. But i have sold an account 70 druid. And if my current wow accnt got banned i still wouldnt try to take it back. PEOPLE IF YOU SELL YOUR ACCOUNT DEAL WITH IT AND DONT TRY TO SCAM PEOPLE OUT OF THE TIME AND MONEY THEY SPENT ON IT. People like you and neone who thinks you should get your accnt back needs there ass kicked