out of curiosity why would you need someone to call in for you
Hey, this thread is made for this reason;
I need someone willing to call in Blizzard for me. When the account is sold you will receive part of the profit made.
Trusted MMOwned players only. Meaning if your rep is less than 30, and you haven't been here for at least 1 1/2 years don't even bother trying. I will not trust you.
* If you are a contributor but haven't been here for 1 1/2 year thats fine.
* Someone who has high rep to vouch for you if you don't meet the above requirements or the above acception.
Other than that, you can eathier PM your MSN, AIM, or Skype or say it here and i'll add you ASAP.
out of curiosity why would you need someone to call in for you
If you trust me enough i can do it for you.
Also how much will the person that calls for you be getting?
I can't do it because my phone is broken and I don't have a working plugin on my computer for a mic. So i'm limited.
Added you on msn
Last edited by Indigoextend; 07-25-2008 at 11:41 PM.