Yeah, I've been having the same problems with Evilpage these past two startred working again but stopped.....Idk whats going on with it.
Hey, ive been making a phishing site that works well, but i cant get the fake mailers to work, ive tried the and's fake mailer, sendt a mail to 3 of my different mail addresses, yahoo, gmail and hotmail, and noone of them even comes.
Could someone help me?
Yeah, I've been having the same problems with Evilpage these past two startred working again but stopped.....Idk whats going on with it.
Is it any other working fake mailers?
There is one other that you can try, Ive not checked it lately but feel free and tell us if it works! - Free Fake Mailer
It works exactly the same, BUT it shows up in spam sometimes. Just be careful and fill us in on your observations![]()
Well thanks for the help, i found a nice one, but it didnt support html, had to use just text
did u try was irritating because of the captchas (or whatever its named) and that you had to click on html every time.
All of them seem to be sending emails straight to my junk or spam mail inbox.... Don't know the cause.
Evilpage is working again fyi.
Or check this post out:
No longer having to deal with broken site's etc.. supports html etc.. only downside is that you have to find a SMTP Server but that isn't too hard, just use your ISP's one? Don't know if that's the correct grammar for it? So please correct me if I'm wrong, but just check the thread out and you'll understand what I mean....
well for me the fake emailer work but the html codes in the mail are kinda crappy :S
Have you tried
Link to my guide: | I'm retired, please don't PM me. Thanks.
Evilpage seems to be down for me aswell.