Hey all.
I need your help.
I was trying to sell my account for some time. I was using Middle man from MD. Great rep ect.
I have given him my SQ/A and for long time we couldnt find buyer. Then i proposed that maybe he will buy my account as he told me he would very much play on my Warglaive rogue :P Well i agreed but since he couldnt pay me whole sum 1750$ at once i proposed yo him he will pay me in stages. she paid me 300$ 29th april (so i presume that money is safe now on my paypal and she cant dispute it?) then she paid me another 400$ 5th june (so that money will be secure for me at 5th july right?). Now like 1050$ remains.
Sadly she has my SQ/A and i got panicly scared lately that she might recall the money from paypal.
Now comes question about paypal because i have read all topics about paypal and disputes and i really dont understand anything about it.
She sends me money without any additional text. ie. its not labeled as goods, nor services nor virual goods.
How would paypal decide if she filed a dispute now? What would i need to do to win dispute?
What will paypal do to me if i loose dispute and will sit on negative amnount? I live in europe (POland) she lives in US.
Any help is really apprieciated as i already spent yhat money on wedding ring for my GF and if she recals that money i wont have anything to pay her back.