If it's not a repost, i love it.
Right, since i've been doing a little scamming with the TCG scam, i decided to make a thread on HOW TO CREATE A REALISTIC LOOKING TCG CARD.
1. Go to World of Warcraft TCG - Products - Loot
2. Click on the card you've chosen. Preferably one with a yellow non-filled out codebox.
3. Maximize the popup window and save the picture.
4. Go onto some photo-editing program that offers text boxes.
5. Add a code that's only numbers in this format:
6. Print in highest possible quality you can set on your printer.
7. Glue the card using super glue onto an existing WoW Card.
8. Go to your local shop and buy a gamecard.
9. Remove the gamecard from the box and put it in hot water to dissolve
the glue that's holding the scratch-off thing on.
10. Trim the scratch off thing to fit over the yellow codebox that you've
filled out.
11. Glue it on with superglue or some sort of strong glue.
12. ????
13. Profit!
14. ????
15. World Domination!
Hope the tutorial helped with something. To be honest, i have no idea why to go through all that trouble just to create a fake card, but heck, i decided to post the darn thing anyway >.<
Last edited by Sveiningos; 06-09-2008 at 02:02 PM.
If it's not a repost, i love it.
love the idea hah ^^ nice
Nice idea +rep
I've heard of a few different code formats now.
XXXXXX-000000-XXX000 (6 letters, 6 numbers, 3 letters and 3 numbers), which I believe is incorrect. I created a post a while ago asking what the real format was, I got a response saying the correct format is 25 digits (00000000000000000000000).
You might want to change it to that, as I had a victim who was a real collector before.
Nonetheless, +Rep!
this is genius, i may have to try it
nice guide.. remember some friends doing similar stuff with pokemon cards back in the day![]()
Yah but the LEGAL problems.
relly cool![]()
nice nice
lol nice
i may try that sometime
Nice idea!
repost... epic phail ... L2 Search