The short answer is no, but thats based on some details. Contact me on [email protected] or aim at FlawzWillHelpYou
In short, I have access to someone else's paypal and I bought 2k there any chance of me getting in legal trouble? Can I delete the transaction from the list os recent actions?
Your thread is not [EPIC] or [LEGENDARY!!!], tagging your threads like that makes you look like an idiot.
The short answer is no, but thats based on some details. Contact me on [email protected] or aim at FlawzWillHelpYou
Flawz > You. Discuss.
Erm, are you kidding, Flawz?
He can get freakin sued for this, maybe even jail, we're talking identity theft my brother. You better pray to God that you don't get tracked down.
Sure it's illegal, the only thing that matters is what is going to happen. I don't have all the details of what happened since the guy didn't contact me, but I'm pretty sure that after the original owner get's his PayPal back and does some Unautorised Claim disputes against the payments, you won't get a lawsuit. It's not like Paypal will give a flying **** right? Why else have we never seen a chinese guy get sued, while they keylog about 5000 PayPals per day
Flawz > You. Discuss.
They don't keylog paypals? And they do get sued, they don't put it all over TV...
If you're saying he can't get in trouble for this, you're on something.
I guess I was wrong then, cause I honestly never saw a china-man get sued over this. I thought the media would jump on it asap if it happened.
I'll take your word for it
Flawz > You. Discuss.
I didn't change the password or anything, I just have his login info and bought the gold =P
I've been trying to use a proxy to log in and check if he disputed it yet, but no HTTP proxies I can find on google will work.
And to Flawz - sorry for not contacting you, I'm doing some other stuff right now too.
Your thread is not [EPIC] or [LEGENDARY!!!], tagging your threads like that makes you look like an idiot.
Yeah, it doesn't matter whether or not you changed his password, if you used up his/her money to buy something that they don't want you to buy, then you better pack your bags and move to some different country.
You also have to remeber that almost all US laws dont apply in China so there is nothing the US can do to a Chinese keylogger but say bad boy and wave a finger at them. =(
To be honest with you, the chance of having any legal action actually taken against you is very slim.
The owner will log on, think "Wtf. I didn't buy this.", file an unauthorized charges claim, paypal will get the guy his money back and life will go on.
Don't worry about it![]()
"Break, break the good and the just!"
You could get sued, but I doubt they will catch you for this. Like others have said, he will probably dispute the charge.
did you have a ip changer on? or do it at a different place if not you better change your ****en ip asap. also those china-men are from outside the us and most cant be prosecuted the ones in the states dont have to be on tv they have a guy with bronze 50 on hs badge come to your door and throw your ass in the back of his car. but most likely out come is that it was 2k gold if thats all you bought no bull shit aside paypal will see it unworthy of going after you because of the small loss they're not gunna waste there time with a lawyer and court. but thats for paypal, if the owner of the acct wants to press charges that is a whole nother situation. GG im not trying to be a dick but what you did is dumb as ****.
You wont get into trouble, dont worry.
Noone cares about 2k gold.. Guy will change his pw and recall payment. Gold sellers lose.
hey you said you dont know a good html proxy, a good one is proxy if thats what your looking for