Not much you can do. I always use verified PayPals.
God, such a shitty system imo.
Perhaps this isn't the right place to post - but the last 2 loads of $ I scammed on PayPal have resulted in my account (created specially for scam trade) becoming 'Limited', ie I cannot send, recieve, buy anything etc. without submitting bank and credit card details. This pretty much rendered the money I got worthless. Also, the 2 payments were not disputed (until later of course, as all payments are)
Is this something new? And if it isn't, why and how can I prevent it happening?
Not much you can do. I always use verified PayPals.
God, such a shitty system imo.
Flawz > You. Discuss.
Most of the paypal accs I use are made the same day as I scam, and I wouldn't want to verify it because I wouldn't want to give any information about my CC or Bank account, and I usually close or post the password to the paypal on a popular forum to make it harder to track me. I prefer playing safe.
Here's how to avoid becoming limited on paypal:
1) Don't recieve more than $700 (Australia its $700, dunno about rest) per month.
2) Don't use more than 1 paypal account at the same time.
3) Don't go on negative balance.
best thing to do if u just scammed money and dont want to lose it all cause your paypal got limited. is find a gold site and purchase a shit ton of gold with the money u scammed. by the time you get your gold if the account gets limitied it doesnt even matter because you already have gold. then u can just resell the gold to a gold buying company.
Lol, thats actually what i used to do, but i dont play wow anymore, so i cant do tat :P:P