i'll tell you.
it might not be true but i told you.
i expect rep, even thoguh you cant +rep :P.
Hey guys, whats up? Anyways I was running the pay 0.01 for gold scam from a while back, got some nice profits from it, but I came up against a company, they say they're going to file a fraud complaint with paypal. If anyone can tell/prove to me that they cant do jack squat, then +Rep for you. Thanks guys.
i'll tell you.
it might not be true but i told you.
i expect rep, even thoguh you cant +rep :P.
ok dude, this is a know fact they use that to scare you. If they filed anything at you someone would notice that they are an gold / account selling company and Blizz would kick their ass quicker then you could say "OMGWTFBBQ"
well thats basically what i said... they cant do JACK SQUAT.
This is what happend to me a while ago, I'm still waiting for zhe police! No but really, Gold/Power Level companys isn't legal. Not only illegal in blizzard eyes but in the police eyes aswell as the people who works on these companys usually get pain under the minimum, gets no sleep etc etc so reporting you to the police is just something they CAN'T do.
They cant report you for illegal stuff because they are illegal them selfs. They told me the same thing a lot of times.