There's tons of templates in the scam section, just look a little...
There's tons of templates in the scam section, just look a little...
cheers man![]()
Brrr just had a look. Alot of templates for emails yes but for websites no :S not that i can find
There is one in there but dead link to the downloads
Last edited by daveyonsenbean; 03-18-2008 at 03:20 AM.
Click his links DEAD DEAD DEAD
My bad..
Third post from the bottom
Thanks i will try it out. Only thing is the rar file is unfimilar to ussually they are folders which i can unzip somewhere what do i do to access this file?
Uhm, use winrar. WinRAR archiver, a powerful tool to process RAR and ZIP files
Right click > Extract to > click a folder and click extract.
I could of swore i had winrar thanks so much it worked