I got it, I'm pretty sure, submited it, etc. Installing it.
this game is a First-Person Shooter/Role-Playing Game Hybrid is is currently in open beta.
i have 1 key available. all you have to do is go here to register and enter the folllowing key
this here is a great game if you enjoy first persn shooters/rpg there is alot to do in this game and you WILL enjoy it.
I got it, I'm pretty sure, submited it, etc. Installing it.
I have the swine flu!
Oh noess..
mmk ok if anyone else needs one just check back as ill be getting some more
Woah, please e-mail me a key if you get one pal.
Hey can I have a key please?
PM me or email/add me on atreyurock@live .com
You can signup for the open beta yourself on the file planet site and they give you a cdkey there after signing up for the open beta. Just go to the main page theres a link there leading to the sign up etc
edit - game looks horrible
Welcome to the Fallen Earth Open Beta!
Below you will find all of the necessary information to get started.
We hope you will enjoy it! Make sure to keep an eye on FilePlanet: Free PC Games, Downloads, Mods, Demos, Patches & Maps for future programs.
Last edited by Hofan; 08-21-2009 at 02:00 AM.