funny bull stories may improve your chance of winning
Hey mmowned i got another level 80 account today, i get like 10 each day
But this time i decided to give it away, IF you have 80+ Rep post here with why you want the account, tomorrow i will choose a winner and send them the info.
Join Eliminator Wow NOW!!
Patch 3.2 with 99% Uptime, join at
funny bull stories may improve your chance of winning
Join Eliminator Wow NOW!!
Patch 3.2 with 99% Uptime, join at
I don't have 80 rep XD, but anywayssss.
I want the account because my brother was a dumbass and tried to merge a account with a email he just BS'd and doesn't remeber any information, and I called blizz and a guy named Eliner(sp?) said they said they reset it, but they didn't. Now the account is stuck in cyberspace and I can't do anything on WoW now ;/
I have the swine flu!
Oh noess..
Is that a real or bull story just asking,
Join Eliminator Wow NOW!!
Patch 3.2 with 99% Uptime, join at
Also, ite 80 has 800 gold on it I believe and I have the sqa I merge it to a new battle. Net account and then add an authenticator
Join Eliminator Wow NOW!!
Patch 3.2 with 99% Uptime, join at
well i dont have 80 rep but this story may make you day lol
There are two ants living in a girl's pair of panties.
One day they decide to go exploring in the caves. They said to meet back in the same spot in and hour.
So, one ant went in one cave, and the other ant in a different cave. After an hour went by, the two ants met back up.
One ant was covered in brown, sticky, smelly stuff. "Eeew!, What was your cave like" asked the other ant.
"It was nice at first, but it soon became really smelly and the walls were all dark and sticky" replied the ant. "So how was your cave ?".
"Well" he said, "It was lovely at first, all pink and warm, but then this bald guy started head butting me and then spitting on me.
Ok I will ... Consider you ... Next
Join Eliminator Wow NOW!!
Patch 3.2 with 99% Uptime, join at
lol thought it was better to try humor then BS
I'll be honest, i want this account to scam scrubs for gold and level alts really fast on that server.
lols 4 you
Little April was not the best student in Sunday school.
Usually she slept through the class.
One day the teacher called on her while she was napping, "Tell me, April, who created the universe?"
When April didn't stir, little Johnny, a boy seated in the chair behind her, took a pin and jabbed her in the rear. "GOD ALMIGHTY!" shouted April and the teacher said, "Very good" and April fell back asleep.
A while later the teacher asked April, "Who is our Lord and Saviour," But, April didn't even stir from her slumber. Once again, Johnny came to the rescue and stuck her again. 'JESUS CHRIST!" shouted April and the teacher said, "very good," and April fell back to sleep.
Then the teacher asked April a third question. "What did Eve say to Adam after she had her twenty-third child?" And again, Johnny jabbed her with the pin. This time April jumped up and shouted, "IF YOU STICK THAT F*****G THING IN ME ONE MORE TIME, I'LL BREAK IT IN HALF AND STICK IT UP YOUR ARSE!"
The Teacher fainted.
Not one 80+ rep person has posted yet. lol
Death to all but Metal.
Maybe i dont have 80 rep but here is my long story which is totally true.... OK so i had my account which had my precious level 10 on it and just then this griefer named Jenkins came and raped the sh** out of me. He killed all my friends and reached the level previously thought to be unreachable. This allowed him to kill allied players and any1 he saw, even game masters and administrators! So me and my friends team up and decide to kill this nerd, when we go to battle, we are killed by his scorpions. We gave up for a bit but later we became determined to kill this fat lard nerd. So we played wow 24/7 until we reached level 60 by killing boars which gave 5xp a piece, very time consuming. So we were ready to fight the griefer, we went to battle and fought dilligently, just then when all hope seemed to be lost, a man came and gave me a sword which i slashed the nerd with, weakening him. My friend then finished him off by smashing his head with a hammer, we had liberated wow.(this was definitely not EXACTLY like any episode from any tv show including south park...) so um yaaa but after we killed the griefer, being the nerd that he is, hacked into my account and got it banned. Soo im out of my acct, and thats y i need one.
Accounts Scammed - 14
Gold Scammed ~ 20,000
I want D:! My dog ate my account then Blizzard came and banned my dog from real life. I miss my dog and my account. So, if I could have this account I'll run around killing GMs to get revenge. :3
Also, they stole my *****.
i would like the acc. currently i do not have an account and i would wish to play again.
Jesus will cry if you don't give me this account...
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