I would mind a US account if possible mate :-) reason is ill be your slave forever and ever. Also another reason is im getting sick of my 80 pally and need a change it up a bit
Hello guys. This is my first giveaway. Here si what I have:
10 or more accounts
6-7 EU accounts
3-4 US accounts
3-4 Active accounts
2-3 accoutns with atached VISA card
1 account wiht 3 months subscition acitve
Few gmail accounts phishers - cd keys, gamecards accounts
I am willing to give some of that things. Please write here why you should get it and I will PM the winners when I chose them.
I am am probably NOT going to give all of my things, BUT if there are people that deserve them, i will change my mind.
Also, if you want to bypass the waiting and you have something to offer me (like Eu gamecard), PM me. (This is still a a free giveaway, just if someone feels like giving me something in reward it will be nice)
Last edited by House.MD; 08-03-2009 at 11:52 AM.
I would mind a US account if possible mate :-) reason is ill be your slave forever and ever. Also another reason is im getting sick of my 80 pally and need a change it up a bit
I would like to get Gmail phishers accounts.
Why? I would use some GC myself, and give to my friends.Was looking GC for a friend over 2 weeks but have not get any, so it would be nice. After if I no longer need them i will post in mmowned, or give back account to you.
Last edited by Smirdzius; 07-11-2009 at 11:05 AM.
An EU account would be awesome. I'm not picky
The reason you should give it to me is that I would actually play the account, I have a retribution paladin, but I'm bored of the 3 button KO-type of PvP. Played it all WotLK
And because I got the second post! (woot!) (Probably third by the time i finish writing)
+ Im from europe!
If that wasn't enough I will also worship you for all eternity!
Last edited by tottelol; 07-11-2009 at 11:43 AM.
Don't forget to +rep people that help you.
Do you have full info of the accounts? I am trying to find an alliance mage 60+ to transfer it to my main account for quite some time and I haven't managed anything yet. I would appreciate if you could give me one. Thanks in advance
Made by Sillencekill
I would like gmail phisher accounts
I don't deserve anything that comes for free except food and a home from my parents until I am 18. However, I use these gamecards personally and I give them to my friends. I've also made some good contributions to MMOwned. So, I would very much appreciate it if I could have one. Also, I was the second person to ask for a phisher account, which shows that I'm actively checking the MMOwned sections.
Have a nice day,
Last edited by !iMacroMage!; 07-12-2009 at 11:01 AM.
I could have use for one EU account.
Could I have gmail accounts phisher or a US account, thanks
Because I would like to have a account for my friend so he starts to play
Last edited by Slagg90; 07-11-2009 at 12:08 PM.
Hi, I would be glad whatever phisher account you give me.
Really would want a account to maintain and show off with to my friends
Oh yea,EU please
I would love a EU account if it's available and if you want to give it to me. I stopped playing some time ago, And now, when i'm studying, i can't really afford to buy another account+all expansions. So an account or a gamecard for EU would be great. Thank you in advance
I would love the Gmail Account because I don't need another account. I only want the account because I have become lazy at scamming... >_> and I am almost out of Game time. I would give away the EU Game cards since I'm from the US. I also have an Account Gmail. I give them away because I only need my account. That's it. =)
a 80 account with an 80 on it would be sweet i could possibly offer u a Gamecard if u like! Thanks!
I'd like anything to do with gamecards because my friend has been bugging me for months to try and get him a gamecard so he can actually play. He wants to get into playing WoW, and possibly will create a bot if he likes the game enough. Who knows, you could be helping the next greatest bot to be created! =P (hes a good coder)
i should get a us acount cause i have been here awhile and havent played WoW in 3 months, and looking for a account that can help me enjoy the game i love and would apreciate a us account