PM'd, thanks for contributing
As the titles says, i have 11x Pre-Paid Game Cards to go, i don't know if you will end up with one that you need (EU or US), i can't even guarantee that it will work because i recieved them a few days ago.
The first 11 to PM me will be given the codes.
Thank you,
PM'd, thanks for contributing
I messaged you.
PM'd fillar
pmed hopefully i get
Pm'd, but this was posted 3 hours ago soooo, yeah lol.
pm'ed u
I'm Finally Back! Lol, LF Good sig with me name! Thank's!
Project Eve of Imagination - Open-ended WoW RP, I need all the help I can get. PM ME!
PMed! **********************
PMing, though I doubt there are any left :P
umm aww cmon.... 8 hours! God damn it!
i got one of the codes, but the code was trully fake. numbers + letters and only 18 digits (gamecards have 25) :\
can I have an EU one? thank you kind sir =]
Pm'ed, hope i get one
Thank you for the give away =d
pm'd hope to get one