All either invalid or used for US, as you said.
I dump all my gamecards at the end of the day! Either EU, US, Russian, or Invalid. I have tested MOST on US, so if they are in use, sorry.
Code:Gamecardcode: 1337707070733318008131337 Gamecardcode: 9991437399531323623039573 Gamecardcode: 9474351187650961329040232 Gamecardcode: 1876484845660731057127033 Gamecardcode: 1854705055419931057327355 Gamecardcode: 9745638950395311938473744 Gamecardcode: 4167878383526282352838247 Gamecardcode: 3958383169285521985777034 Gamecardcode: 8973689103560814786589276 Gamecardcode: 3555702002131048234583397 Gamecardcode: 5167179376180134760733045 Gamecardcode: 5167179376180134760733045 Gamecardcode: 9241578667642910052961106
All either invalid or used for US, as you said.
Scamming since the winter of '08:
Accounts Scammed: 20, Gold Scammed: ~ 100,000 Cash Made: nearly $500 USD
Tryed almost all of em, none work, all invalid or in use
All of them are invalid or already in use =/ damn
3 were used, all others invalid (FOR US)
first one is epic fail.
only 2 1337 in it -.- well i still think u should PM the gcs trollin
Ppl wont w8 for 15 days to submit they GC's :P
either in use or invilid for EU aswell :P
I need a US one.
if i could get us that'd be nice
damn im desperate for a EU one. >><