Looking for an account so I can play WoW with my brother, played the trail and really enjoyed it. The account will only be used by me to actually play on for about 3 hours a day
Looking for an account so I can play WoW with my brother, played the trail and really enjoyed it. The account will only be used by me to actually play on for about 3 hours a day
Vacation.. it sucks.. I'm bored.. need.. to.. play.. WoW!
No really, I'm bored =/
Dear Sekspyz! Hello!
I would Like any US/EU Account Avaliable.
As i Gave my main Account to my Nephew i have no acc now(
Was hoping you could Gift me 1)
I appreciate all that youre doing.
Every1 is so Greedy & Selfish nowadays(
Gl every1
Last edited by Yougio; 04-12-2009 at 11:11 AM.
Oh...So ur not giving it away?
i really dont have a reason i want it besides i wanna play wow and scam /bot i love priests they are my favourite i use to have 1 but it got hacked ;[ and ofcourse id love to play one again thanks ;]
i got nothing to do and i want to play when ulduar comes out.
I want gold and i need a acc for gold!!
Dume200) Vry Nice reason)
Gone to allstars because he's with same problem.
Plus I love his avatar.
this iz lame