2 Methods to solve.. 1 short.. and if that doesn't work the long one:
1. Navigate to Macintosh HD/Users/Shared and delete the Blizzard folder. Then, launch WoW and let me know if that fixes the issue.
2. Do this:
Please use the steps below to repair file permission settings on the hard drive you have installed World of Warcraft.
1.) Click on the Finder icon in the Dock
2.) Open the Applications folder
3.) Open the Utilities folder
4.) Double click on the Disk Utility application icon
5.) Select the hard drive the game is installed on
6.) Select the First Aid option
7.) Click on the Repair Disk Permissions button
Repair Directory Procedure:
1. (Re) start the computer
2. Right after the computer starts press Cmd (Apple) +s until you get a black screen with white type
3. Let go of the keys when this screen comes up
4. At the cursor please type the following: fsck -f -y and press return
5. Please be aware that some of the procedures will look like they are frozen, but are actually taking a long time i.e. checking hierarchy
6. If anything had to be repaired, repeat step 4
7. Once things are repaired type exit and press return
8. Computer will boot into Mac OS
I would also recommend running the Apple Hardware Test. You can access this by rebooting your computer without any discs in the drive and holding "D" when the screen goes black. This is particular to the Intel-based Macs.
If you don't have an Intel-based Mac, you will need to have the original disc your computer was shipped with in the drive. Hold down the "Option" key while rebooting to get into the Startup Manager and choose the Apple Hardware Test from the choices.
I'd recommend an extended test of all hardware, looping if that's possible. That will let us know for sure if there are any hardware problems. If it reports any hardware issues, you'll want to contact a local Apple Service Provider to address those.
In order to remove World of Warcraft safely from your system, you will need to:
1. Go to your Mac HD/Applications folder and move your World of Warcraft to the Trash
2. Go to your Mac HD/Users/Shared folder and move the Blizzard folder to the Trash
3. Go to your Mac HD/Users/your account/Library/Preferences and delete any files associated with WOW:
(You might not have all of these files since I'm running a lot more versions of WOW)
- com.blizzard.downloader.plist
- com.blizzard.Downloader.prefs
- com.blizzard.errorreporter.plist
- com.blizzard.Installer.plist
- com.blizzard.launcher.plist
- Com.blizzard.World of Warcraft.prefs
- com.blizzard.World of Warcraft.survey.prefs
4. Empty Trash
5. Install World of Warcraft, then download and install the patches.
This is taken from the wow forums...
World of Warcraft - English (NA) Forums -> Unable to validate game version
another useful thread:
World of Warcraft (en) Forums -> ____- Unable to Validate Game Version
Hope that helped![]()