come on guys, heres a clue.
before it was published by Waddington's Games it was originally called Murder.
It had 10 suspects
and 9 weapons.
what were they?
come on guys, heres a clue.
before it was published by Waddington's Games it was originally called Murder.
It had 10 suspects
and 9 weapons.
what were they?
miss scarlet, mr greene, colonel mustard, professor plum, mrs white, mrs peacock
leadpipe , revolver, wrench, candelstick, knife rope
you have cracked the question
i shall message you the information
Thanks all for playing, come back soon for more questions and account fun.
Oh my god,this was the funnest acount giveaway ever!
Had fun xD
definitely best account giveaway
anytime, have fun.
come back soon for more accounts.
Just out of curiosity,what did you google,to find the answer?
i was using which showed the original patent of the game.
Cluedo Patent