This is the Account Giveaway section. You're not giving yours away, you're just letting someone play on it to do PvP or something, so they get you some free honor and marks. FAIL.
have a 70 ret pala i never play anymore on an EU pvp server, willing to let someone enjoy him aslong as they play him regular, no BOTTING SCAMMING OR HACKING is allowed for this account, if you want to pvp go ahead if you wanna raid go ahead im giveing this out to 1 person willing to actually play the account and have fun on it.
reply here why you want it and what you would do with it.
its 70 human male.
This is the Account Giveaway section. You're not giving yours away, you're just letting someone play on it to do PvP or something, so they get you some free honor and marks. FAIL.
It's not ego if you actually are that awesome.
Hey Sigoth i really wanna play with ur ret pally cause i always wanted a pally and my best race is human so i really want it please
thanks <3
oh yeah and i wont scam,bot use hacks with it, it will be safe with me
never used a bot never will and my brother doesn't want me scamming so i never will do anything of that sort but paladins are an unknown class to me so i want to learn how to play a pally i really want to try one and have fun only problem i have is that i have no idea what the EU realmlist is.... yes lately i've been searching around this section because i want to try something different on live servers. YES i am lazy
I could use it, not to play on myself, but give it to a friend..
To play and progress the character in the game. Is what I would do with it.
Hey sigoth i could use it for my m8. He played for 2,5 years and he only made lvl 39 (rofl) so plz sigoth pimp my m8!
Can i has Pally ?
no, seriously i've played on a EU pvp realm my self for 3 years.... And i always wanted a ret pala but i never came above the lvl 25 xD So i would love to get this pally because i could transfer it to an EU realm were all my friends play and i can quit my actual "reroll" account -.- ^^
And by the way i hate everything that has something to do with botting or even cheating so u can be sure that i only will make pvp as ret all day long ^^
... oh and arenas ofc with my RL mate (rogue) always wanted to try that lineup ;P
*fingers crossing*
SchnuBby :wave:
Last edited by SchnuBby; 09-09-2008 at 09:10 AM.
Well I'd transfer it to The Maelstrom Realm where my 70 is and join my 70s guild to raid with it full time. In WoTLK I'd level it and keep on raiding.
I would PvP on it I love to play on my friends paladin, but he sadly changed the password now And he wont tell me, hah
i would pvp on it, and raid on it. probably just get it imba gear b4 wotlk came out tbh.
I like paladin's and I got hacked, love pvping too :S
Sigoth, I would love it. My friend wants an EU account now that hes studying in europe, and it would make his raid times and all that better....can PM me to talk to me in game =P