Because i really really love shamans and id do anything to get one please please ill do anything ive always wanted one but never had the time to get a 70 shaman!!! it would really mean so much if you decided to give to me. thank you so much.
hello, giving away a account again. Tell me why you want it.
Skype: hattifnatt93
Selling 2 D3 Accounts -
Because i really really love shamans and id do anything to get one please please ill do anything ive always wanted one but never had the time to get a 70 shaman!!! it would really mean so much if you decided to give to me. thank you so much.
Last edited by Silentnvd; 08-22-2008 at 07:35 PM.
I want it because I need a backup account in case mine gets banned!
Destinations unknown, I'll find my way there
i need one because i wanna start scamming people out of their own accounts to contribute to Mmowned, i really dont want to use my acc
I've always wanted a mage! I love to PvE, and I know their DPS isn't that great, but its never too hard to find a group. Also, I have always wanted to play a shammy end game. Each spec is great! Anyways, I would love the account if you would give it to me =)
I just lost an account to a trade scam... Sigh... Was dumb, I was trading for a 70 shaman and then he recalled it by calling Blizzard and now I have nothing... And I can't afford to buy a new one. Sigh.
I would really love this account, I would gear him up and I want a 70 before the expansion, I've contributed alot to the community and getting this account would mean alot. Thankyou so much in advance
I realy want it becuase i realy never had an account and i realy want to start playing real wow agian isted of private servers.
- EmiloZ
Why fill up a signature?
I think I'd be a great choice to get a account because I'll be actually playing it. I've traded my Lvl 70 Warrior Amaresu for a rogue, but he scammed me. He was actually from MMOwned to lmao. Either way I would love to have any account it doesn't matter to me as long as I get a new account to play. I've already leveled a new account to 70 before and that was a 70 shaman Furiouslol which was banned. But i've learned my lesson with everything and just want to get a account where I can play and not **** around. I think I might be the best choice for the account, speaking for myself, but good luck to everyone else in on this
So I can sell it for money. I win?
No, Mjc, you don't 2d already did that recently so ur not allowed 2 win like that
Darn you sure? I mean come on I'll give you like 2$ of it
haha, i don't care what people do with their accs i just gave it away.
Skype: hattifnatt93
Selling 2 D3 Accounts -
Cause I got banned and I need a 70 to show ingame :P lol
I want it/ need it because my family is kinda poor and they say that I can't get a wow account Because were losing money to pay 20+30 for the game then 15 a month but they said that I could get one from someone where and they would pay for it monthly thats why I would want the 70 shammy