Here you go something funny
[ame=]YouTube - Batman Movie - Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb...[/ame]
Okey, so I got 10 US accounts that I don't need (since I stick to EU only).
All of them are Phished, so they don't know they've been scammed yet, and I haven't touched anything on them.
Full Info Available (Excluding First/Last name!)
ACC #1: (Full Info Available)
70 Mage, Epic Flying, Full Epic + 2-3 Vengeful - Kilrogg PvE
70 Paladin, Full Epic (1700ish healing) + ~2 Vengeful - Kilrogg PvE
64 Priest - Nordrassil PvE
ACC #2: (Full Info Available)
70 Mage, Gladiator/Blue - Alexstrasza PvE
70 Druid, Epic/Blue/Green - Alexstrasza PvE
70 Paladin, Epic/Blue - Alexstrasza PvE
ACC #3: (Full Info Available)
70 Rogue, Blue/Green + 2x Merc Weapons - Burning Legion PvP
ACC #4: (Full Info Available)
52 Hunter - Scarlet Crusade RP
ACC #5: (Full Info Available)
Unknown - Frozen
Acc/Pw Available
ACC #6: (Acc/Pw Available)
70 Warrior, Full Epic PvP (4/5 Vengeful (+1 Merc)) - Alexstrasza PvE
ACC #7: (Acc/Pw Available)
70 Mage, Blue - Alexstrasza PvE
70 Shaman, Blue - Aegwynn PvP
70 Warrior, Gladiator - Aegwynn PvP
67 Druid - Aegwynn PvP
60 Rogue - Aegwynn PvP
ACC #8: (Acc/Pw Available)
70 Mage, Blue - Sargeras PvP
44 Rogue - Anvilmar PvE
ACC #9: (Acc/Pw Available)
54 Mage - Duskwood PvE
41 Warlock - Medivh PvE
ACC #10: (Acc/Pw Available)
66 Hunter - Terenas PvE
Accounts marked with red color has been traded/given away.
I'm sure you're probably wondering now how to get ahold on one of those accounts, well, you can either:
1. Offer me something in return, gamecard, acc, gold etc (EU side preferably)
2. Find a solution to this:
3. Get to (and beat) level 10 on this game with least amount of deaths: The World's Hardest Game (Proof required, top score in 48h from now wins)
4. Get to (and beat) level 5 on this game with least amount of deaths: The World's Hardest Game (Proof required, top score in 24h from now wins) - Winner has been decided.
5. Post something interesting/funny here and pray :bow:
Last edited by patrux; 06-30-2008 at 04:21 AM. Reason: Clarification
Here you go something funny
[ame=]YouTube - Batman Movie - Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb...[/ame]
I will give u 70 epic warrior on eu pvp server (i have it for a month already) for
ACC #2: (Full Info Available)
70 Mage, Gladiator/Blue - Alexstrasza PvE
70 Druid, Epic/Blue/Green - Alexstrasza PvE
70 Paladin, Epic/Blue - Alexstrasza PvE
how do i submit a score for first 10 levels?
anyway i got 1 death on first five
Last edited by pixie12; 06-29-2008 at 08:51 AM.
whats ur aim?
If you can could you please give me either account 2 because I used to play on Alexstraza or any other account with a 60+ ally on alexstraza. Here is the two funniest things I have ever seen and I might be able to give you a game card. If you want add me on MSN its [email protected] or email me at [email protected]
Here is the two most funniest things I have ever seen:
[ame=]YouTube - Naruto AMV Comedians 6 (Pablo Francisco)[/ame]
Last edited by Xtinction; 06-29-2008 at 09:45 AM.
I would like account 1 Please.......... Me love you long time......
Last edited by hellian46; 06-29-2008 at 11:41 AM.
Here is the funniest movie I could find lol. If you dont like it? Eh . Still makes me kek. If I get it, I would love to have account 2, My Aim is travie102566, My MSN is [email protected]. Add me and we can talk some things out. Thanks in advance.
Last edited by xAnGelx Toodlez; 06-29-2008 at 11:37 AM.
Even the title is funny!
EDIT: Finally I found the movie i've been looking for a long time, can gurantee this will make you laugh!
I hope that gets me an account.
Last edited by MaqqiJoe; 06-29-2008 at 11:38 AM.