I think i deserve it because i would like to work on my scamming skills and other different ways. Mainly for the reason the site was made.
this is a blank eu account that i dont need
it has time on it.
pm me or post here on why you think you deserve it..dont give me any noob stories and no leechers plz get it while its still here!
EDIT: i still have keep the reasons coming!
Last edited by Timilber; 04-06-2008 at 07:25 AM.
I think i deserve it because i would like to work on my scamming skills and other different ways. Mainly for the reason the site was made.
I think I deserve it because, I am awesome, And I have been on MMOwned for quite some time, And I really need an account about now, My other one got hacked.
rogu3 is Offline
Master Sergeant
Join Date: Jan 2008
Reputation: 11Rep Power: 1
Quite some time? Lol look when i joined -_-
Well I'm atm testing all my model editing skills(Itemswaps now, feel free to check the model editing forums, thread there). Soon i'll start with model editing(the creatures/place swaps) this is alot faster banable, and I rather not get banned on my main for this. So a "alt" account would give me the chanse to try it out withouth fearing about getting banned.
Getting scammed is a traders worst nightmare....
Sadly for me I got scammed due to trying to be helpful and nice. When I first received Akumaz (my hunter) he had only 100 played days and boasted blues and epics, within 2 years of playing I geared him up all the way to tier 6 gear and added about 159 played days, basically half my life...
Let me tell you more about this scam, the guy told me that he wanted to tryout the hunter as I have had him for so long. Obviously he had looked me up on armory and saw how I had changed the account, I foolishly gave him the account info without the slightest doubt only to receive a response with the word "lol owned" about 20seconds of silence followed that and MSN showed that he had signed out, I was like "SH!T - I JUST GOT SCAMMED"
If you don't believe my story, I got screenshots to back it up. I have been playing since 2005.
If I can choose an account I would prefer the night elf rogue only because it is alliance. You said there were 2 characters on each of 2 accounts which I don't know if they have an ally character on them. But tbh at this point I'd take any character. Anyway if you decide to be nice hit me up on [email protected]
I have posted this post on another giveaway but I got rejected
PS. I can give you an UNSCAMMED glider key![]()
can i take it . Because my friend cant afford wow. And wants to start wow
I think I deserve it because I don't flame people in this post
Dude he wrote in his post that he already used his reason one time but got rejected.. If you want to play police officer on this you should at least take the time to read his post (If he EDITed his post after you wrote that, its only fair ofc)
- And the fact that he uses the exact same reason more than one place doesnt tell us anything else that it might actually be true what he is telling.. I dont see the problem..
My votes for essamabdulkader! Im sorry for your loss
Tenni-T (Tenned) - Contrib!
MMOwned - My favorite website of all times.
ahoy pirate hats , give it to me or 50 fishes will come to ur beard!
Account has been given to Ophie. thank ppl