I'd like to get the account so i could use it for scamming and hack testing :P dont wanna use my own account in case i got banned.
So here is the deal,
i have an account which is not rightfully mine but a friends... it is irretrievable bcuz the personal info is fake... it has no time bcuz i got bored of it...
you can have the account if you clearly state your intentions with it on this post... and if you are worthy of this account
have fun,
p.s. ill b back in 12 hours to c if the worthy one has shown up :P
Last edited by joki; 03-28-2008 at 10:22 AM.
I'd like to get the account so i could use it for scamming and hack testing :P dont wanna use my own account in case i got banned.
well, i intend to use it for scaming, but i would also love
it because i had an account that got hacked a while back
and i intend to play on it until i get bored of WoW.
mainly launder gold through it while i play it...
if i dont get it i understand
Last edited by Anarchy [RD]; 03-28-2008 at 10:32 AM.
i gladly take it, becauss i sold my acount for some weeks ago, and i dont got any account now, and i want to play some wow =/ and Dpsadin pwns ;D
Ill Have it to take off youre hands i need something to go on wow with atm would be greatful for it.
Cheese Cake?
Well i hope u pick me if u dont its ok i know its a hard decesion b/c..i what this account so i can give it to my friend in need his account just got hacked he had a lvl 67 shaman wich got hacked so pick who ever deserves it more....thank you for your time n so he cn put gametime today n we can start playing together!
Last edited by omgcool7; 03-28-2008 at 12:19 PM.
I really want it So I can test it and exploit and use hacks and scamm. ofc xD Hope you pick me, but you decide!
Hy. Well is a little story, but the short version will be that after i leveled a friend (from here, mmowned) hunter 1-70 he decided to sell it after a while and i don't really have where to paly . I really like this game but i can't have a f**king accout . I would really appreciate if you will give it to me so i can play again. But is up to you
Looking for World of Warcraft and Burning Crusade CD-keys! PM me for info (I can offer web programming services in exchange ).
I would love to have this account because i love endgame content that ive tried out on private servers, but just getting there is torture to me. I love end-game content but the highest i ever got a character was level 40. I would use it to actually enjoy the game as intended. This means no exploiting, hacking, scamming. Just plain old wow.
Last edited by zeil; 03-28-2008 at 07:34 PM.
I would like to have it to help me learn in game scamming because thats what i am trying to learn.
I would love to get this account couse my account got banned when my friends thought it was a good idea to get on my account and scream the N word. I love pallys and i would really like to get back into the retail scene and be able to own my friends that ****ed me over before
My account basically got screwed over bad by a scammer. Used the whole transfer char, get banned, etc thing. So I would PLAY this account completely legit, no botting, scamming or anything as I know how shit it is now.
isnt it funny when most of the guys posting here says: "my previous account got banned"?
I'd like to get the account so i could use it for genuine play. I always wanted to play one of the heavy classes with plate mail but I have never had time to level a character and it is too risky to entrust your account to powerleveling. It would be nice to use those characters for PvP in the BGs.
Last edited by DeadlyLegion; 03-28-2008 at 01:23 PM.
I made this exact post for the S3 shammy. So i'll just copy paste it here with some little tweeks because it basicly states everything I would say anyway.
I think I deserve the account the most. Once had a 70 rogue, but it was banned. I haven't played WoW in like.. forever. I got a bunch of RL friends and in-game friends including my cousin waiting for me to get a WoW account and to level up again. I've been with this site since 2006! If I get this account I wont trade it, exploit, scam, hack, or anything with it. Always wanted a warrior and go fury for raiding, and the pvp as Arms is fun as hell with it. Leveled a warrior to only about 35, but stoped because I was leveling with my cousin and a friend and they quit leveling there alts and I got totally bored leveling by myself. I'll probably end up leveling the warrior to 70 and start from there, but if the paladin is geared and was worked on alot i'll probably use that and have the warrior as a alt. It'l be very awesome to finally get back into WoW and hang out with all my friends and family again like the old times. And if this post requires proof and all that I got all the account info and Screen Shots before and when I got banned. So in the end I think I deserve the account the most, but either way I wish much luck to everyone else thats in with this.
Thank you.
Last edited by Morzzan; 03-28-2008 at 01:49 PM.