hey, so i guess its time to contribute to mmowned for me.
i just found a new way to get the second name of an account which could be intresting if you just scammed one and want to transfer a char to a new clear account.
hope you like it and i hope its no repost, i didnt find anything :/
you need to have access to the registred email of the account !
so i was in arathi basin with my twink and got out before it started (you can find severel guides here on mmowned how to get out).
then i tapped blacksmith + stables and it seems like some allie reported me.
cause like 10minutes later i got an email by [email protected] saying the following:
Sehr geehrter Herr xxxx xxxxx, (means Dear Sir/madam [first name] [surname])
wir setzen Sie davon in Kenntnis, dass wir Ihren World of Warcraft Account bedauerlicherweise sperren mussten.
Accountname: xxxxx
Datum des Verstoßes: 5/2/2008
Art des Vergehens: Exploitation
Maßnahme: Account zur genaueren Betrachtung gesperrt
Aufgrund des oben genannten Umstandes muss der Account genauestens untersucht werden. Dies kann gegebenenfalls weitere Sanktionen nach sich ziehen. Sie werden in Kürze von unserem Account Administration Team über das Resultat unserer Recherchen informiert.
Sollten Sie noch Fragen haben, richten Sie diese bitte an: World of Warcraft Europe -> Kundendienstformular
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Game Master Team
Blizzard Entertainment Europe
I'm sorry its in german but what it means is that check your account cause they expect you did some exploitation.
they just "ban" you to view what you did (i dont know if you get banned but if i get a ban i will update the post).
actually i dont think you'll get (perma-)banned cause i can still play with my account, and if i go to the account management site it says nothing like "banned"
after like 24hrs i was able to log in again, but i didnt recieve any more email by blizzard saying that i get a warning or something on my account.
i think its a pretty easy way to make an account safe to sell or keep it!
hope it works for you too