yeah? and then what? just log out for ever...? this is pointless
This is really simple and has probably been posted before, but it hasnt been reposted in a while so i think i may just do it
1 Make a macro like this
2 wait for someone to send you a tell or advertise to make portals for moneyCode:/uninvite /logout
3 when the person pays you, quickly use this macro to get him out of the group and logout
this trick should be used if you are really pissed off or if you like kicking dogs for fun. Otherwise, it could alsobe used to make a quick gold or two
yeah? and then what? just log out for ever...? this is pointless
u log out then back in (after a while)and if u do that to alot of guys u will get killed
what a great reputation your nax rading charecter gets ? NOT
Utterly pointless..better off using glider or something to get someone to lvl 40(ish) and (yes i'm taking this from posts i've seen before from this site I take no credit) scam a few guilds for "mount" money and make off with a few hundred gold
Twinking is a form of cheating NERF ALL TWINKS...cept mine of course ;D
My Scam ;POriginally Posted by koraff
Im a mage, and tbh, the price ppl are paying for portals aint worth risking a bad rep for.
Idon't care about iget bad rep, (lol, iam already REALLYREALLY bad reputated coz everytime ilogin some1 says SCAMMER!!!!! or sumthin) +rep
Manga, MMO, and Anime fan.
Ehh, is this the best way to get money? Mats cost about 20s.
Who has time to logg in and out al the time?
Where are much better way to get gold, farm in low level insatnces as a mage(Sm, Sfk, Rfd...)
Rune of Portals - 20s.
Money charged for a port - 50s to 1g.
Profit - 30s to 80s.
Being number one on the /ignore list of all endgame guilds on your server - priceless.