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Improvement / Addtion to http://www.mmowned.com/forums/wow-sc...ade-2000g.html
So you try this scam. It works but dont you hate it when he goes to the AH/Vendor and finds "Holy shit everything is alot more gold." Scam failed...
What I do is tell him. Ooh must just be client-side. What a Bummer sorry man. But hey I found one that ins't client-side its a Leveling script. But your probobly not interested anyways...
So he acts like ooh its a scam. Anyways to build a trust you talk to him about the money script and why it didn't work.
About 2 minutes later you tell him. Hold on a sec my friend wants me to do the leveling script to get his rogue up to 70.
This is the fun part "Atleast for me." I tell him progress on the script. Tell him it takes about 20 minutes so your just going to be glancing at the computer. What u do is message him like /w NEWB Awsome 1-5 done. Just keep him posted. I swear do it 5 levels at a time to 60 then 1 level at a time. Usually at level 70 there on my case about "Ooh i wish you could do it for me but i dunno."
Go to www.Warcraft.com real fast and make a account (Or before hand.)
Well If you really want I can give you a account to watch on. But its actually a Glitch I use. Blizzard has a bot that reads charactors and fixes them. With my Glitch he appears level 1 so but leveled to 70. Blizzard fixes this at midnight each night to 70.
Basically from there play him with the 1-5 yaa thing. Once your done be devilish and say something like enjoy your new 70 .
Also I have come along those that Want SS's about it. what i do is use a leveling /script to say "Grats level 63-70 on tha page but show level 1. They believe it every time. You can get it here http://www.mmowned.com/forums/wow-ex...el-script.html
Anyways I hope you enjoy and Congratulations as it stands I have scammed a total of 14 accounts in the past 3 days with this. Also, Usually this only works if te /scrip SILVER_PER_GOLD=0.01 scam doesn't work. Anyways Hope I could be of some help to those who are "Dry" on new scams.