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**Please not that I have not tested this myself, but the concept seems sound**
I was browsing through the AH with my auctioneer mod when I had an idea that may be quite unique. The Auctioneer mod is based off of the averages of listed auction prices.
So where am I going with this, you ask?
Well say you had 3 or so of the same item (an item that's a little more uncommon would work better, but of course a monopoly would most likely yield the greatest opportunity) We'll refer to these three items as X, Y, and Z.
Now let's say that item X Y and Z has a value of about 5g each. Most people generally scan their mods around dinner or before they go to bed, so this will be used to our advantage. Here's the basic outline of how it should go;
1) Just before one of these windows, place X Y and Z (more would work better) in the AH for 20g, or something high like that.
2) Wait about 10-20 minutes or so (average length of a scan)
3) Remove all three from the AH, then place the items in, one at a time, for about 15g.
The catch is, when they scan their little mods to find a good profit, they'll think they're getting one because you threw Auctioneer off, when in reality you just pocketed some nice change.
Good luck, people!
Note that this method is not limited to items that actually have value; if noobs see that a common item has a decent profit, they may buy it and try to put it back up because they don't know any better